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Während der März-I-Tagung wird das Europäische Parlament voraussichtlich den Jahresbericht über die EU-Wettbewerbspolitik (2019) erörtern, der vom Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Währung angenommen wurde. In dem Bericht werden die zunehmende Bedeutung der internationalen Dimension der Wettbewerbspolitik in einer globalisierten Welt und die Herausforderungen hervorgehoben, die sich aus der Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft ergeben. Es wird ferner auf die Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Wirksamkeit der wettbewerbspolitischen ...

Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Wettbewerbspolitik einen positiven Beitrag zum Wirtschaftswachstum in der EU leistet, wobei die EU über eines der robustesten wettbewerbspolitischen Regelwerke weltweit verfügt. Die europäische Wettbewerbspolitik erstreckt sich auf viele Bereiche, nicht zuletzt kartellrechtliche Maßnah¬men, Fusionskontrolle und staatliche Beihilfen. Sie wird von der Europäischen Kommission durchgesetzt, deren Entscheidungen vor dem Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union angefochten ...

Since 2003, national competition authorities (NCAs) have boosted the enforcement of EU competition and antitrust rules significantly. However, each year losses of €181-320 billion accrue because of undiscovered cartels, which increase prices by between 17 % and 30 % on average. In March 2017, the Commission proposed a new directive to ensure that all NCAs have effective investigation and decision-making tools, could impose deterrent fines, and have well-designed leniency programmes and enough resources ...


Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-11-2017

Der Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (AEUV) enthält in den Artikeln 101 bis 109 Regeln für den Wettbewerb im Binnenmarkt. Danach sind wettbewerbsbeschränkende Vereinbarungen zwischen Unternehmen untersagt. Marktbeherrschenden Unternehmen ist es verboten, ihre Stellung missbräuchlich auszunutzen und so den Handel zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten zu beeinträchtigen. Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse und Übernahmen von gemeinschaftsweiter Bedeutung werden von der Europäischen Kommission kontrolliert ...

The IA consistently emphasises the benefits of effective enforcement of EU competition law throughout the EU and assesses the contribution of the screened policy options to the general and specific objectives of the proposal. Its strengths lie in the solid expertise, based on internal and external research, its clear structure and its overall coherence. The analysis of the problems and their causes, and of the objectives, is comprehensive and concise. However, despite a clear attempt to comply with ...

Farmers are often confronted with substantial changes in the prices they receive for the sale of their agricultural products, which causes financial uncertainty about their incomes. Commonly referred to as 'price volatility', this phenomenon is more evident in agriculture than in other economic sectors due to a variety of economic, natural and political factors. Data provided by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation suggest that global price volatility has been on the increase since ...

The milk crisis in the EU has persisted since 2015. In light of the situation facing the dairy sector and recognising that the outlook for milk prices is not encouraging, Parliament has requested the Commission and the Council to provide an update in plenary on measures to address the situation.

This analysis synthesizes the effects of information technology developments on tourism SMEs in the European Union. The effects were found to be profoundly disruptive to traditional business models of tourism information and distribution. Policy developments supporting research, education and facilitating change in tourism SMEs are called for.

The study presented in this event describes the challenges for competition policy in relation to the digital economy. It explores the specific characteristics of digital economy markets and how these characteristics impact competition policy. The study focusses on competition policy and its instruments such as anti-trust laws, merger regulation, sector specific regulation and State aid. Neighbouring policy fields such as copyright and data protection are outlined where important. This presentation ...

Google holds around 90% of the market share for internet search services in most European Economic Area (EEA) countries, and several companies have complained to the European Commission about Google's market dominance. The European Commission has thus formally launched two separate investigations, one on Google's comparison shopping and the other on the company's handling of applications installed on Android operating mobile devices. In April 2015, the Commission sent a Statement of Objections to ...