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Regulating bankers' bonuses

Auf einen Blick 28-02-2013

Bankers' bonuses have been under debate with the review of the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD IV). The Directive, meant to regulate the amount of capital banks hold, already includes guidelines on the remuneration of bankers, but the European Parliament has sought to introduce a fixed cap on bankers' variable pay proportionate to their fixed pay.

In 2010 the European Parliament adopted 'CRD III' (i.e. Directive 2010/76/EU amending the Capital Requirements Directives) which included some of the strictest rules in the world regarding bankers' bonuses. These rules took effect in January 2011. After one year of application, the ECON Committee felt that the time has come to check if these tough new rules on bonuses are properly implemented and have indeed effectively transformed the bonus culture and ended incentives for excessive risk-taking. ...