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Soziale Medien eröffnen den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern neue Möglichkeiten des Zugangs zu Informationen, der Meinungsäußerung und der Teilnahme an demokratischen Prozessen. Sie können aber auch die Demokratie untergraben, indem sie Informationen verzerren, falsche Darstellungen verbreiten und politische Manipulation begünstigen. Diese Analyse des EPRS vermittelt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten in sozialen Medien begründeten Risiken für die Demokratie im Zusammenhang mit Überwachung, Personalisierung ...

Globalisation, technological change, an aging population and changes to the world of work have made securing social protection for all, i.e. economic and social security, a major challenge. When social protection systems work well, they can have a stabilising effect on the economy and promote socio-economic equality and stability. By contrast, inadequate or ineffective systems can exacerbate inequality. Indeed, improving the existing social protection systems is the priority of half of the principles ...

Posting of Workers Directive

Briefing 25-07-2018

Posting of workers plays an important role in the internal market, particularly in the cross-border provision of services. While the number of posted workers continues to increase significantly, problems such as unfair practices and unequal remuneration persist. In addition, the correct balance between the freedom to provide cross-border services and the social rights of workers is needed, and moreover, needs to be adapted to today's labour market situation. The targeted revision of the Posting of ...

Regulation 561/2006 lays down rules applicable to driving times, breaks and rest periods for drivers engaged in the carriage of goods and passengers by road. Various resources show that presently there are several challenges linked with the implementation of the regulation. These include diverging enforcement practice applied across the different EU Member States, clarity of the text of the regulation, broad discretion of the Member States and various exemptions allowed by the regulation. These challenges ...

Although a recurring term in discussions related to working mobility, wages and the social security of workers, social dumping has neither a generally accepted definition, nor easily definable limits. It is rather a set of practices on an international, national or inter-corporate level, aimed at gaining an advantage over competitors, which could have important negative consequences on economic processes and workers’ social security. Examples include actions taken by actors from 'low wage' Member ...

Das komplexe System der EU-Bestimmungen zur Koordinierung der Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit muss zahlreiche Herausforderungen und nationale Gegebenheiten berücksichtigen. Zu diesen Herausforderungen zählen die uneinheitliche und mangelhafte Umsetzung, mangelnde Transparenz, fehlende Kenntnis der geltenden Bestimmungen sowie die Unsicherheit mit Blick auf die Stellung von Grenzgängern und deren Ansprüche auf Sozialleistungen. Die jüngste Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs, in welcher zahlreiche ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides an overview of the Posting of Workers Directive, focussing on the current situation and major patterns regarding the posting of workers in the EU, major problems and challenges, and how these patterns have translated political, as well as jurisdictive, debates and proposals to improve the regulation of this specific form ...

TTIP and Labour Standards

Studie 14-06-2016

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will follow EU and US recent trade policy practice to include labour provisions. These could limit the risk that liberalisation results in social dumping and promote upward change. This Policy Department A study concludes that the EU could take a precautionary stance and employ various instruments that increase the chances that TTIP will have positive social consequences. TTIP may combine the strengths of the EU and US approaches to labour ...

Insgesamt hat sich die Kommission bemüht, die Informationen in der Folgenabschätzung auf der Grundlage externer Fachkenntnis und umfassender Konsultation so klar und transparent wie möglich darzulegen. Die beschränkte Verfügbarkeit von Daten legt jedoch den Schluss nahe, dass die qualitativen und quantitativen Belege, die zur Untermauerung der Problemdefinition und der Abschätzung der Folgen herangezogen wurden, genauer untersucht werden müssen. Außerdem hätte sich eine klarere Erläuterung im Hinblick ...

In Annex I to its annual Work Programme 2015 (CWP 2015), the European Commission announced that it would submit the Labour Mobility Package. This implementation appraisal focuses on the second theme of the expected Labour Mobility Package – posting of workers.  This briefing is one of a series of ‘Implementation Appraisals’ on the operation of existing EU legislation in practice. Each such briefing focuses on a specific EU law which is, or will shortly be, subject to an amending proposal from the ...