
Τα αποτελέσματά σας

Εμφάνιση 9 από 9 αποτελέσματα

Nowhere in the world are forests shrinking faster than in south-east Asia. Rapid population growth and economic development put intense pressure on the environment. Between 1990 and 2020, an area larger than Germany was deforested, over half of it in Indonesia. Land clearing for agriculture is the main cause of deforestation. Driven by booming global demand, oil palm plantations have spread into formerly forested land, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, which are the world's largest producers. ...

Coronavirus has affected the 10 south-east Asian countries in very different ways. Thanks to quick and decisive action, Vietnam came through relatively unscathed; Singapore also seemed to have the virus under control, before a second wave of infections among migrant labourers took off. Malaysia and Thailand initially struggled, but now seem to have turned the situation around. In Indonesia and the Philippines, the disease continues to spread rapidly. Although weak healthcare systems make Cambodia ...

The Mekong River is a vital source of livelihoods and economic activity in continental South-East Asia and extends from the Tibetan Plateau to the South China Sea. Its length is 4 800 km. More than half circulates in China, but its channel runs through Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. The Mekong has the world's largest inland freshwater fishery industry, vital to the region's food security, representing around USD 3 000 million per year. Its unique and rich biological habitat provides ...

Νοτιοανατολική Ασία

Θεματολογικά δελτία της ΕΕ 01-06-2017

Η Ασία αποτελεί την μεγαλύτερη και πολυπληθέστερη ήπειρο και έχει μεγάλη γεωστρατηγική σημασία για την ΕΕ. Στη Νοτιοανατολική Ασία, οι χώρες ASEAN και ASEM είναι σημαντικοί συνομιλητές για την ΕΕ και η ΕΕ επιδιώκει την σύσφιγξη των σχέσεών της με τις χώρες σε ολόκληρη την περιοχή. Η ΕΕ αποτελεί ισχυρό οικονομικό παράγοντα και σημαντικό χορηγό αναπτυξιακής βοήθειας και ταυτόχρονα εργάζεται για την προώθηση της οικοδόμησης θεσμών, της δημοκρατίας, της χρηστής διακυβέρνηση και των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων ...

Illegal fishing in south-east Asia

Εν συντομία 07-12-2016

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a scourge of south-east Asia's vital fisheries sector, costing billions of euros, harming biodiversity and facilitating transnational crime. The countries of the region are starting to work together on improving the situation.

Relations between Islam and the state

Εν συντομία 30-06-2015

Since its inception in the 7th century AD, Islam has been the predominant religion in a great number of political entities from North Africa to south-east Asia. The desire to organise a society according to Islamic principles has spawned very different results in the course of history – not least because interpretations of Islam have varied across the regions of the world and through the ages.

The war in Afghanistan is undoubtedly a key moment in the emergence of an armed rebellion in the Muslim world. The impact of this conflict quickly exceeded the borders of Afghanistan to extend Pakistan. Since then, the Iraq war, the civil war that engulfed Syria and the armed conflict in the Sahel have helped to increase guerrillas in the Muslim world. This study aims to analyze the role of the Salafi / Wahhabi networks in financing and arming rebel groups.

This paper has three objectives. First, it provides an analysis of the state-of-play regarding the death penalty in Asia, covering 24 countries of which 5 have abolished the death penalty, 6 are abolitionist in practice and 13 have carried out executions within the past 10 years without declaring a moratorium. Developments and recommendations for EU action relating to eight countries are highlighted: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. The analysis reveals the ...

While the focus is often on China, the EU is also deepening trade relations with other Asian countries. This paper aims to show levels of trade between the EU and nine Asian countries – India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Taking EU, US and China in comparison, it looks at trade in both goods and services, to measure the importance of EU trade for those countries, and how important they are for the EU.