

Mostrando 10 de 18 resultados

Genome editing is a powerful new tool allowing precise additions, deletions and substitutions in the genome. The development of new approaches has made editing of the genome much more precise, efficient, flexible, and less expensive, relative to previous strategies. As with other medical advances, each such application comes with its own set of benefits, risks, ethical issues and societal implications, which may require new regulatory frameworks. Important questions raised with respect to genome ...

With a focus on research and development in the area of innovative medicines, this study discusses a new European approach to pharmaceutical policy. After examining the European pharmaceutical sector's features, and the strengths and weaknesses of the current research and business model, the study explores the need for and the concept of a European infrastructure with a long-term transboundary mission. Any such European medicines infrastructure should focus on threats and areas of research and development ...

The European Commission has proposed a regulation on health technology assessment (HTA). HTA is a research-based tool that supports decision-making in healthcare by assessing the added value of a given health technology compared to others. The proposal would provide the basis for permanent EU-level cooperation in four areas. Member States would still be responsible for assessing the non-clinical (economic, ethical, social, etc.) aspects of health technology, and for pricing and reimbursement. While ...

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de diciembre, se espera que el Parlamento Europeo someta a votación en segunda lectura una propuesta de la Comisión Europea para reforzar la cooperación a escala de la Unión entre los Estados miembros en la evaluación de las tecnologías sanitarias. Una mayor cooperación beneficiaría a los sistemas sanitarios nacionales y a los productores de medicamentos y productos sanitarios, ya que se simplificarían los procedimientos de aprobación, y beneficiaría a los pacientes ...

The first part of the STOA study 'A framework for technology foresight intelligence', this report includes a set of five horizon-scanning reports or 'radars', built with the resources of Futures Platform and covering several areas, including the world after Covid-19, disruptive futures, the Green Deal, food, and geoengineering. Horizon scanning is a discipline that could be harnessed to inform the future activities of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) at both strategic and ...

The implementation of foresight routines will help in preparing future policies. Evidence-based foresight practices will ensure that policy-making is trustworthy and future-fit. This paper is partly inspired by the evidence-related policy issues encountered in managing the coronavirus outbreak. The Covid 19 crisis was, and remains, characterised by uncertainties and evidence that change by the hour through progressive insight. Policy-makers had to make decisions that balanced expert advice and presumed ...

The overall objective of the future of crop protection project is to present an overview of crop protection options for European farmers to enable them to work sustainably while securing food production, preserving biodiversity and supporting farmers' incomes. The policy options proposed are based on an assessment of current and emerging crop protection practices and their impact on the common agricultural policy (CAP) objectives. This overview shows that several crop protection practices are under ...

What if blockchain revolutionised voting? What if your emotions were tracked to spy on you? And what if we genetically engineered an entire species? Science and policy are intricately connected. Via monthly 'What if' publications, the Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA; part of the European Parliamentary Research Service) draws Members of the European Parliament's attention to new scientific and technological developments relevant for policy-making. The unit also provides administrative support to the ...

The impact assessment (IA) accompanying the Commission proposal on strengthening EU cooperation on Health Technology Assessment clearly defines the problem, as well as the general and specific objectives. However, the IA does not appear to have succeeded in presenting a very convincing range of options. The analysis of impacts focuses on the economic dimension, which is consistent with the manner in which the problems have been defined. In light of the reported concentration of SMEs in the medical ...

Los automóviles automatizados apoyarán probablemente la evolución hacia un nuevo escenario de movilidad en que fórmulas de transporte más sostenibles puedan sustituir el tradicional modelo de propiedad/uso de turismos. No obstante también podrían darse escenarios desfavorables, como por ejemplo la posibilidad de que la comercialización de vehículos automatizados acabara traduciéndose en una incentivación de la demanda del transporte privado, con las consiguientes externalidades negativas. Las autoridades ...