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Este estudio ha sido encargado por el Departamento Temático de Derechos de los Ciudadanos y Asuntos Constitucionales del Parlamento Europeo a petición de la Comisión LIBE; en él se ofrece un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la manera como se cumple actualmente el Derecho de la Unión en el espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia (ELSJ). En él se examinan los instrumentos tradicionales para garantizar el cumplimiento, como los procedimientos de infracción, las condicionalidades presupuestarias ...

The Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the EU and the UK set the terms for the UK’s departure from the Union and a framework for future relations. Tensions surfaced, mainly related to fisheries and the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland (the Protocol), which is a part of the WA. The UK had threatened to take 'unilateral measures' on issues such as border controls. For its part, the EU launched legal actions against the UK for failing to fulfil its ...

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de noviembre I, el Parlamento votará un informe de ejecución relativo al Reglamento sobre el estatuto y la financiación de los partidos políticos europeos y las fundaciones políticas europeas. El Parlamento debe informar sobre la aplicación del Reglamento y proponer modificaciones, cuando proceda, a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2021, y posteriormente cada cinco años. La Comisión también debe presentar un informe de ejecución paralelo y una propuesta legislativa ...

Council Directive 2008/114/EC is part of the EU framework for critical infrastructure protection. While embracing an all-hazards approach, its scope is limited to the sectors energy and transport. This is widely considered a shortcoming. Calls for broadening its scope and for refocussing the directive on resilience rather than just protection, and interconnectivity of critical infrastructures resulted in a new legislative proposal the Commission presented in December 2020.

Digital Services Act

Estudio 01-10-2020

E-commerce is an essential part of the economy and of consumers shopping habits. It can support EU citizens in accessing services more easily and businesses reaching customers more targeted. The E-commerce Directive has been an important column of digital services. Still, there is need for amending the current regulation. This EAVA accompanies two European Parliament's own-initiative legislative reports by JURI and IMCO asking the Commission for legislative actions to implement a digital services ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the impact on fundamental rights of Artificial Intelligence in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice, from a European Union perspective. It presents the applicable legal framework (notably in relation to data protection), and analyses major trends and key policy discussions. The study also considers developments following ...

European consumers enjoy a high level of rights, but when the rules protecting them are broken, they need to be enforced. The main goals of enforcement are to prevent and punish infringements, and to enable consumers harmed by infringements to get wrongs put right (consumer redress). In the 2019 consumer conditions scoreboard poll, one in five consumers said that they had encountered problems when buying a product or service in the previous 12 months. However, whereas two thirds of them had complained ...

On 8 May 2018, President Trump announced the unilateral US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the landmark nuclear agreement signed by Iran and the E3/EU+3 – France, Germany, the UK and the EU plus China, Russia and the USA – in 2015. He also announced that the US would re-impose sanctions on Iran that had been lifted as part of the implementation of the JCPOA. These sanctions have extraterritorial effect, essentially making it illegal for EU companies and financial institutions ...

Los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea y sus derechos

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 01-04-2017

Consagrada por los Tratados (artículo 20 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea y artículo 9 del Tratado de la Unión Europea), la ciudadanía europea constituye la base de la formación de la identidad europea. Esta ciudadanía se diferencia de la ciudadanía de los Estados miembros, a la que complementa, fundamentalmente en que los derechos que confiere a los ciudadanos no vienen acompañados de obligaciones.

In the aftermath of two major accidents involving the spill of hazardous extractive waste, the Mining Waste Directive 2006/21/EC was adopted at EU level with the aim to prevent, or reduce as far as possible, the adverse effects from extractive waste management on health and the environment. The deadline for transposition of the directive by the Member States expired on 1 May 2008. Research indicates that all Member States (EU-27) have experienced transposition problems in terms of 'timing' or 'quality ...