Strengthening the Link between Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) in the EU's Financing Instruments for Development and Humanitarian Aid under the MFF 2014-2020

Uuring 08-08-2012

Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) tries to harmonize short-term relief and long-term development through effective political and financial coordinating mechanisms. Within the current EU legislative framework, LRRD is broadly considered in the Humanitarian Aid Instrument, whereas the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) is characterized by a less systematic commitment to LRRD. The Instrument for Stability was designed as a more flexible instrument that also opens up opportunities for LRRD but it is mainly security driven and has failed to convince practitioners of its LRRD value. The analysis of the actual implementation of the European LRRD concept in different partner countries and crisis situations shows that, despite some progress made in recent years, the funding gap in the grey area between relief and development still exists and the coordination and enhancement of LRRD activities is far from being institutionalised. In the light of the 2014-2020 MFF and the new DCI, the study gives suggestions regarding the legal basis, financing options and general recommendations for the EU’s strategic framework on LRRD. Amongst others, additional resources are needed for LRRD, which should be seen as an approach rather than an option in geographical instruments and respective provisions should be made explicit in Country Strategy Papers.