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There is no specific EU fund dedicated to tourism as such. However, although not strictly focused on tourism, a number of EU funds may help to boost its prospects and address its challenges. Depending on the priorities of each EU funding programme, various legal entities (such as public bodies, companies, SMEs, research organisations, universities, non-governmental organisations and tourism cluster initiatives) may benefit from EU funding in order to run activities that may have a positive impact ...

This report deals with the development of integrated e-ticketing systems for public transport and touristic sites in cities. While technologies are already available and ready to meet multi-function requirements, e-ticketing has not yet been implemented on a wider scale in Europe. The implementation of an integrated e-ticketing system is a complex process that requires the synchronised activity of heterogeneous actors. Public transport operators and authorities, financial service providers, telecommunications ...

Käesolevas raportis kirjeldatakse ja analüüsitakse, kuidas, miks, millal ja kus on Euroopas välja arenenud tööstuspärandil põhinev turism ning maaturism. Selles arutatakse nende teemadega seotud päevakajalisi küsimusi ja antakse soovitusi, kuidas mõlema tegevust laiendada, muuta elujõulisemaks ja jätkusuutlikumaks ning pakkuda seeläbi kohalikele kaasatud kogukondadele ja Euroopale kui tervikule suuremaid majanduslikke, keskkonnaalaseid ja sotsiaalkultuurilisi hüvesid.

The note gives an overview of the existing fragmentation of EU tourism policy, in particular as regards the proposals relevant to tourism which different Commissioners have submitted during the last three years (2005-2007). Furthermore, the note analyses whether the different EU policy initiatives affecting tourism are in line with a coherent EU tourism approach or hamper a sustainable and competitive development of tourism. Finally, some recommendations are given in order to improve the current ...