
Vos résultats

Affichage 7 de 7 résultats

The single market celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023. Although it has generally been a success story, a number of challenges remain. For instance, there is still no EU-wide harmonisation of the technical requirements for the road circulation of non-road mobile machinery. This has a negative effect on the functioning of the single market. This sector covers a broad range of machinery fitted with the means for self-propulsion – such as combine harvesters, excavators, ride-on mowers and forklifts ...

The current Machinery Directive (Directive 2006/42/EC) was designed to allow the free movement of machinery within the internal market, while ensuring a high level of user health and safety. To reduce the occurrence of accidents, it promotes the inherently safe design and construction of machinery, and proper installation and maintenance. On 21 April 2021, the Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation on machinery products, as part of a wider 'artificial intelligence package'. The need for ...

The Machinery Directive establishes a regulatory framework for mechanical engineering industry products. It regulates the harmonisation of essential health and safety requirements for machinery in order to ensure the free movement of machinery products within the internal market on the one hand, and a high level of protection for machinery users on the other. The European Commission's Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) evaluation of 2018 concluded that the directive has generally ...

Revising the Machinery Directive

Briefing 02-07-2021

This briefing checks the quality of the Commission impact assessment (IA) accompanying the regulation proposal on machinery products. It finds that the assessment, which is based on various data sources, is mostly qualitative, and explains openly the analytical methods and data limitations. Furthermore, the scale of all problems and the efficiency aspect in the comparison of the options could have been further explained. The briefing also stresses that the IA could have been more informative in terms ...

Les problèmes et les objectifs de l’initiative proposée sont définis de manière claire dans l’analyse d’impact. Celle-ci se fonde sur des recherches approfondies menées par des prestataires extérieurs. L’on peut déplorer toutefois que le processus et les hypothèses sous-jacentes qui ont permis de recenser les quatre problèmes analysés ne soient pas détaillés, l’analyse d’impact se contenant de renvoyer le lecteur, à cet égard, aux études qui l’accompagnent. L’on relève également des incohérences ...

The study TTIP: Engineering including Machinery explores how TTIP could effectively address the causes of costly market access to the US in the Engineering sector, such as stubborn TBTs. The case is made why TTIP offers the potential to lower the TBTs to the US engineering market significantly, via three complementary routes in TTIP. The study sets out the overall and specific EU offensive interests, one crucial defensive interest (the integrity of the single market) and some opportunities and challenges ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal for a Regulation relating to emission limits and type-approval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery. Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) is a term that encompasses a wide range of equipment. Small handheld equipment, construction and forestry machinery, generators, railcars, locomotives and inland waterway vessels (IWV ...