
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 33 résultats

The European Peace Facility (EPF), a financial instrument outside the EU budget that has been operational since July 2021, finances activities with military implications. It funds equipment and training for EU partner countries' armies, as well as the common costs of EU military missions and operations abroad. It also funds the military component of EU civilian missions or exercises abroad, or of EU support to missions led by other international organisations. One year after the Russian invasion ...

This study, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, the Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Greece and how Article 2 TEU values are respected and implemented in the country.

En tant que membre de la Commission pour la conservation du thon rouge du Sud (CCSBT), l’Union européenne doit transposer ses mesures de manière à ce qu’elles s’appliquent aux navires battant pavillon d’un État membre de l’Union. Lors de la période de session plénière de février I, le Parlement devrait voter sur un accord provisoire avec le Conseil relatif à la transposition des mesures de gestion et de conservation adoptées par cette organisation intergouvernementale.

«L’Union européenne n’est pas un accident de parcours [...]. Nous ne sommes pas un accident de parcours.» Tels furent les mots du regretté David Maria Sassoli lors de son premier discours prononcé en juillet 2019 à la suite de son élection à la présidence du Parlement européen. David Sassoli a été le septième Italien à occuper cette fonction et le deuxième depuis les premières élections directes au Parlement, en 1979. Durant sa jeunesse, il avait été un membre actif de nombreuses associations, parmi ...

Cette étude intitulée «pratiques sur les revenus complémentaires des titulaires d’une fonction publique et des fonctionnaires de l’Union européenne» a été réalisée en 2022 pour le compte de la commission du contrôle budgétaire du Parlement européen. L’étude souligne des différences notables en ce qui concerne les règles appliquées dans les différentes institutions de l’Union et dans les États membres. Elle met en évidence un certain nombre de bonnes pratiques et d’éventuelles conséquences pour l’ ...

In December 2020, the European Commission proposed the creation of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), to facilitate trade, expand investment, develop compatible standards, boost innovation and strengthen the partners' technological and industrial leadership. The TTC also aims to 'lead values-based digital transformation'. Meanwhile, trade between the EU and US continues and is as important as ever, manifested in the fact that, together, they form the largest bilateral economic relationship ...

In light of the current highly challenging background of humanitarian intervention for the European Union and international humanitarian donors, the European Commission has adopted a Communication on the EU’s humanitarian action: new challenges, same principles. It provides guidelines on how the EU may face this challenge in collaboration with Member States and donor partners. The Communication focuses on two main areas: (1) addressing needs, reducing the funding gap, and (2) supporting an enabling ...

The briefing provides an overview of the latest work by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). It first addresses the FSB as an institution, its mandate, members and governance arrangements, and second, outlines its current work. This paper builds and updates an earlier version.

Access to stable and adequate financial resources is a crucial condition for the realisation of the global goals of intergovernmental organisations (IGOs). In recent decades, alongside global political changes and the evolution in the role of multilateral cooperation, the resourcing and budgetary management of IGOs have also changed. Moreover, funding available to IGOs has become ever more diversified and complex both in terms of its origin and type. This briefing presents selected aspects of the ...

United Nations reform

Briefing 13-02-2019

At the 72nd United Nations (UN) General Assembly on 18 September 2017, 120 countries expressed their commitment to the reforms proposed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Since 1946, the UN has undergone a number of reforms either in whole or in part. The term 'reform' has proved troublesome for UN member states on account of its lack of clarity and the lack of consensus as to execution. This is particularly apparent in the scepticism expressed by the United States (US) in 2018 regarding the ...