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Affichage 10 de 51 résultats

Today's massive increase in trade volumes, combined with the need to do border checks for compliance with the growing number of EU standards and to stay abreast of the continuously evolving trade strategies, has put EU customs authorities under a lot of pressure. Concerns have been raised that the EU's customs union is burdened by an uneven level of digitalisation across Member States, suboptimal coordination between the national authorities and overall complexity. This situation creates high administrative ...

The IA supports the revision of the EU customs legislation to ensure an integrated approach to reinforcing the customs processes, data management and governance framework. It considers four policy options (POs), each with an increasing degree of ambition and a concrete implementation timeline. The four POs are complimentary, rather than separate alternatives, and appear realistic and self-standing. The IA assesses the impacts of all POs both quantitatively and qualitatively, and selects PO4 – 'EU ...

Implementation of EU customs legislation with regard to areas such as risk management and impact management measures differs across Member States. National systems also diverge in the extent to which they have been updated in line with the UCC. Furthermore, significant differences in sanctions regimes create barriers to trade and distortions in the Single Market. This study makes recommendations to Member States and the EU to address some of the weaknesses of the current customs controls and sanctions ...

Implementation of EU customs legislation with regard to areas such as risk management and impact management measures differs across Member States. National systems also diverge in the extent to which they have been updated in line with the UCC. Furthermore, significant differences in sanctions regimes create barriers to trade and distortions in the Single Market. This study makes recommendations to Member States and the EU to address some of the weaknesses of the current customs controls and sanctions ...

Guichet douanier unique

En bref 28-09-2022

L’UE étant le plus grand bloc commercial au monde, des millions de déclarations en douane transitent chaque année par les autorités nationales. Afin de garantir une approche simplifiée et numérique, la Commission européenne a proposé la mise en place d’un guichet unique européen pour les douanes, qui permettrait aux opérateurs de remplir en même temps toutes leurs exigences documentaires. À la suite des négociations interinstitutionnelles, les négociateurs du Parlement européen et du Conseil sont ...

The Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) held a workshop with the aim to get a better understanding about customs control practices in Member States and their possible improvements. This publication includes the full documentation of the workshop: programme, summary of the debate, background briefing, profiles of speakers and their presentations.

La Turquie a cherché pour la première fois à coopérer avec la Communauté économique européenne (CEE) en 1959 (Union européenne (UE) à partir de 1992), et est depuis lors un partenaire clé de l'UE sur les questions liées aux migrations, à la lutte contre le terrorisme et au commerce. L’Union et la Turquie sont liées par un accord d’association depuis 1964 et par un accord sur l’union douanière depuis 1995. En 1999, la Turquie s’est vu octroyer le statut de pays candidat à l’Union. Les négociations ...

This in-depth analysis summarizes the main effects of the Customs Union (CU) on EU-Turkey trade and the economic situation in Turkey. Whereas the CU offers Turkey several economic benefits, it also implies some downsides, in particular asymmetric tariffs in relation to third countries. Against the background of the dynamic development of EU-Turkey relations, the authors assess the impact of four different options for developing EU-Turkey economic and trade relations: (i) Continuation of the current ...

Turkey has featured regularly on the agenda of the European Council in recent years, notably in the context of the migration crisis and military operations in Syria, and as a result of an increasingly tense situation in the eastern Mediterranean, which led to a significant military build-up at sea during the summer of 2020. In all these cases, the European Council (re)acted swiftly, ensuring that the views of the Member States were taken into consideration. In the migration crisis, it stepped up ...

On 18 June 2018, the Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation establishing a Customs programme for cooperation in the field of customs over the 2021-2027 MFF period, a successor to Customs 2020. The programme's main objective is to fund actions aimed at strengthening the customs union. On 15 December 2020, the co-legislators reached agreement in trilogue. The Council adopted its first-reading position on 1 March 2021. On 8 March 2021, IMCO – the committee responsible for the file in the ...