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Affichage 10 de 19 résultats

On 15 June and 7 July 2023, the German Federal Parliament approved the 2018 reform of the EU rules on elections to the European Parliament, and that approval is now awaiting promulgation before it takes effect. Enacting the reform requires the approval of all EU Member States. All but two – Cyprus and Spain – have given their approval. Cyprus is preparing to finalise its approval procedure, but Spain has not yet launched its. Once all Member States have given their approval and the EU reform law ...

Decentralisation, and implementation of the principle of subsidiarity, are at the heart of both EU accession negotiations with the Western Balkan countries and their accession-related reforms. As the region's six countries differ in population size, territory and history, their decentralisation models differ from each other as well. The European Commission and the European Parliament are closely monitoring these countries' overall progress in multi-level governance and in the implementation of the ...

La stabilisation de la situation politique interne en Bosnie-Herzégovine, pays qui a célébré le 30e anniversaire de son indépendance le 1er mars 2022 tout en étant au bord de l’implosion, demeure une priorité pour l’Union européenne. À cette fin, la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, a appelé de ses vœux «des progrès urgents dans les réformes électorales et constitutionnelles», lesquelles sont également importantes dans la perspective des élections législatives prévues ...

La Géorgie se prépare à la tenue d’élections législatives en octobre 2020. Le parti «Rêve géorgien», au pouvoir depuis 2012, s’est efforcé de mettre en œuvre les réformes prévues dans l’accord d’association avec l’Union européenne. Toutefois, le gouvernement n’a pas mené à bien les réformes électorales qu’il avait promises et fait face à une opposition croissante. Le haut représentant (HR/VP) devrait faire une déclaration sur la Géorgie au cours de la période de session de mars I.

Albania: 2018 country report

En bref 27-11-2018

In November 2018, the European Parliament is due to debate a resolution on the European Commission’s 2018 enlargement report on Albania. The latest report notes that Albania has made progress on its five key priorities; however, corruption and political instability remain pervasive, meaning the country cannot move beyond the early stages of accession preparation.

The victory over the so-called Islamic State’s territorial rule presents a chance for the Government of Iraq to rebuild its state institutions and re-assert its authority. In this transition, will the Iraqi leadership move past cycles of failure and address the structural problems that perpetuate state weakness and facilitate the emergence of groups like ISIS? To answer this question, this paper analyses the challenges of short-term stabilisation programming with longer-term governance reform at ...

This study focuses on electoral reform in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, which have all concluded Association Agreements with the EU. Recent experience in all three countries has shown that political elites are changing (or not changing) the electoral system to hold onto power. Beyond the choice of electoral system, changes have often been introduced in a rush, without a genuinely inclusive, thorough and public debate. Frequent changes to legal frameworks, often made just prior to elections, have ...

Cette nouvelle étude, qui complète la Série sur l'histoire du Parlement, revient sur le long processus qui a conduit aux premières élections européennes directes, et montre en quoi l'Acte de 1976 a fait l'objet de controverses dans les sphères publiques nationales des États membres. Après une première évaluation des élections de 1979, elle examine la stratégie développée par les députés fraîchement élus pour mettre en place une procédure électorale uniforme. Elle analyse enfin les incidences des ...

This study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. It addresses the potentials and challenges of the implementation of Internet voting in European Parliament elections. It considers the social, political, legal, and technological implications of its introduction as an alternative to on-paper ballot and builds on the recent experience of previous trials and successful e-enabled elections ...

Montenegro is seen as a 'scoreboard leader' in the enlargement process as it has already opened most of the negotiation chapters with the EU. However, implementation is still lacking in key areas and remains to be addressed. In 2016, amidst political turmoil, the country expects to join NATO at its July Warsaw Summit, and is due to hold parliamentary elections, on a date yet to be fixed.