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Road transport is the most common means of transport in the EU, as well as the most important cause of accidents. In this respect, the European Union has developed a transport policy oriented towards safety and security through common standards and rules. A roadworthiness package was adopted at European level in 2014, aimed at improving road safety through common rules on periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers (Directive 2014/45/EU), vehicle registration documents (Directive ...

Second-hand cars traded across the EU have their odometer readings manipulated more frequently than those traded on national markets. Odometer fraud is difficult to track and leaves no trace. This incurs costs and creates challenges on the EU internal market. It can also impact EU road safety. Against this background, this European added value assessment identifies weaknesses in the existing EU legal system. Moreover, it outlines potential policy measures that could be taken at the EU level, and ...

Odometer tampering is still a widespread malpractice in the European Union and it affects almost all second-hand car markets of its Member States. This study examines how improvement can be made by presenting the best practices implemented in some Member States and countries outside of the EU, while emphasising their success factors and results achieved. Furthermore, the study highlights the available technological developments and IT solutions to combat the phenomenon with a view to a potential ...

Trasporti su strada: norme sul traffico e di sicurezza

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-11-2017

L'UE si è data l'obiettivo di creare uno spazio europeo di sicurezza stradale nel decennio 2010-2020. La competenza in materia è soprattutto nazionale. L'Unione concentra perciò le proprie misure europee sullo stato tecnico dei veicoli, il trasporto delle merci pericolose e la sicurezza della rete viaria.

Le navi da passeggeri a intenso utilizzo devono essere ispezionate a intervalli regolari e frequenti. La Commissione europea ha riesaminato le relative norme dell'UE e ha proposto modifiche per razionalizzare i diversi regimi di controllo esistenti. La proposta fa parte di un'iniziativa volta a modernizzare la legislazione dell'UE sulla sicurezza dei passeggeri e a ridurre gli oneri amministrativi mantenendo nel contempo un elevato livello di sicurezza marittima.

Roadworthiness of motor vehicles

In sintesi 27-06-2013

The technical condition of vehicles deteriorates with use and age, and with poor maintenance. Proposals for improved roadworthiness of motor vehicles along common standards, and through reinforced technical inspections and additional roadside checks, are now under consideration by the European Parliament.

Initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying the three proposals contained in its "Roadworthiness Package" communicated in July 2012.

The aim of the study is to provide an assessment of the quality, quantity and effectiveness of controls and sanctions in all the Member States of the European Union related to compliance with road safety provisions. The study describes enforcement and status of implementation and highlights best and worst practices in the Member States. An overview of the current legal framework is also provided.