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This At a glance note summarises the study of the same title. Europe is grappling with increased wildfires due to climate extremes, with protected areas especially vulnerable and fires in contaminated lands presenting distinctive challenges. European response mechanisms are constructive, but they require enhanced comprehensive management strategies, including community involvement and preventive measures. The Cohesion Policy does fund aids against wildfires, yet issues with governance, focus, and ...

La proposta di revisione del regolamento LULUCF è stata inclusa nel pacchetto "Pronti per il 55 %" della Commissione europea. La funzione di pozzo di assorbimento del carbonio svolto dai settori LULUCF è parte fondamentale del percorso dell'Unione verso la neutralità in termini di emissioni di carbonio. L'11 novembre 2022 il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio hanno raggiunto un accordo di trilogo sulla proposta. Il testo concordato sarà votato durante la tornata di marzo I del Parlamento.

This At a glance note sumarises the study evaluating the costs and benefits on fisheries and aquaculture of three types of spatial protection measures: (i) Fish Stock Recovery Areas (FSRAs), (ii) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and areas designated as (iii) Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs). The research assesses how far fisheries co-management approaches can potentially help to achieve the European Union targets. The study uses three case studies from France, Spain and Greece ...

This study, commissioned by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs for the Committee on Petitions, provides a brief overview of the main social and environmental impacts of mining activities in the EU. It also gives an overview of the most important relevant EU legislation and a short assessment of implementation and compliance by Member States. It discusses and assesses a number of petitions on mining, as well as possible measures to reduce unwanted impacts of mining ...

The PETI Committee decided to organise a fact-finding visit to the Mar Menor in the Murcia Region in Spain. Over the years, the PETI Committee has received a significant number of petitions on the pollution and deterioration of the environmental conditions of the Mar Menor. The aim of the mission is to visit the affected areas, hear the petitioners, and investigate and discuss the subject matter of the petitions with the regional and local authorities, as well as with the Spanish competent authorities ...

Il presente studio, commissionato dal dipartimento tematico Diritti dei cittadini e affari costituzionali del Parlamento europeo su richiesta della commissione PETI, mira a approfondire le conoscenze sugli aspetti giuridici del disboscamento illegale e del relativo commercio di legname e prodotti derivati di provenienza illegale. Esso analizza i requisiti giuridici e le loro ripercussioni per i vari attori dell'UE e dei paesi terzi. Lo studio esamina le disparità tra i regimi di applicazione e di ...

Based on Member States' reporting under the Birds and Habitats Directives, the backbone of European Union (EU) nature conservation policy, the latest assessment on the state of nature by the European Environment Agency shows that despite some encouraging developments, the overall picture remains bleak. Only 15 % of habitats and around 27 % of species protected under EU legislation have a good conservation status. An EU-wide assessment of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems found that, overall ...

Over the last decades, a variety of fatal infectious diseases have had zoonotic origins. The linkages between hosts, vectors, parasites and pathogens can be influenced by a multitude of factors, such as biodiversity, wildlife and land use. High levels of biodiversity may be a potential source of pathogen transmission, but biodiversity loss can also promote transmission by increasing the number of competent hosts for a pathogen. Biodiversity conservation reduces the risk of zoonotic diseases when ...

Biodiversity is in crisis across the globe: species extinctions and a loss of nature occurring at rates unprecedented in human history, and with the EU no exception, our biodiversity and the essential value it brings are under threat. Could 'rewilding' help restore Europe's nature?

The present analysis examines the environmental and human rights challenges in the Amazon region. It finds that the Amazonian countries pursue development policies in the region based on the exploitation on an industrial scale of natural and non-renewable resources that have caused and continue to cause deforestation, loss of biodiversity and engender human rights violations in particular affecting indigenous peoples. The analysis acknowledges the measures taken by the Amazonian countries to establish ...