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On the back of a number of high profile cases and alleged cases of money laundering, this briefing presents current initiatives and actions aiming at reinforcing the anti-money laundering supervisory and regulatory framework in the EU. This briefing first outlines (1) the EU supervisory architecture and the respective roles of European and national authorities in applying anti-money laundering legislation that have been further specified in the 5th AML Directive and (2) ways that have been proposed ...

International trade agreements have the potential to help breaking the vicious circle of corruption in economies based on privileged connections rather than fair competition. They increase competition in the removal of tariffs and so diminish the power of rentier companies which influence domestic regulation in their favour. They also contribute to a fairer business environment through their transparency provisions. Trade openness, red tape reduction and fiscal transparency, especially transparency ...

La commissione d'inchiesta PANA

In sintesi 05-12-2017

La "commissione d'inchiesta incaricata di esaminare le denunce di infrazione e di cattiva amministrazione nell'applicazione del diritto dell'Unione in relazione al riciclaggio di denaro, all'elusione fiscale e all'evasione fiscale" (commissione PANA), è stata istituita dal Parlamento europeo nel giugno 2016. La sua relazione e la raccomandazione presentate ai fini dell'adozione nella sessione plenaria di dicembre del Parlamento europeo gettano le basi per ulteriori azioni di monitoraggio e di follow-up ...

The impact of the online spread of mis- and disinformation – including false news posing as factual stories – became increasingly visible in the context of the crisis in Ukraine, and gained notoriety as a global challenge during the 2016 United States presidential election campaign. Ahead of the European elections in 2019, the EU is now stepping up its efforts to tackle 'fake news'. This is a further updated version of an 'at a glance' note published in April 2017: PE 599.384.

La Commissione europea ha proposto la revisione del regolamento sulla cooperazione per la tutela dei consumatori (regolamento CPC), al fine di ampliarne l'ambito di applicazione e rafforzare i poteri delle autorità nazionali che cooperano nel contesto delle violazioni transfrontaliere della normativa dell'UE a tutela dei consumatori. I tre cicli di negoziati a livello di trilogo sono sfociati in un accordo provvisorio nel giugno 2017, attualmente in attesa di votazione in prima lettura nella plenaria ...

In ottobre il Parlamento europeo discuterà una relazione di iniziativa sulle misure legittime per proteggere gli informatori, che si sono rivelati una fonte essenziale per la diffusione di informazioni relative ai pericoli per l'interesse pubblico. La relazione chiede alla Commissione di presentare una proposta legislativa volta a proteggere in maniera efficace gli informatori nell'UE.

Renewing the approval for glyphosate

In sintesi 23-10-2017

Glyphosate, one of the world's most widely used active substances in herbicides, has recently become the subject of controversy. The European Commission now proposes to renew its approval for 10 years. The ENVI committee has adopted a motion for a resolution calling for glyphosate to be phased out by 2020, and a vote on this issue is expected during the October II plenary session.

In April 2017, European Energy Commissioner, Maroš Šefčovič, commented that no commercial project has ever been so intensely debated as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Opponents of the pipeline are above all worried about its geopolitical and energy security implications.

Through advances in technology, big data has become a major asset and can open up numerous opportunities in all areas, but how can we use this in the context of health care and ensure it benefits everyone?

South Korea has been shaken by a succession of corruption scandals involving politicians, judges, senior officials, businessmen and even academics. Impeachment of the country's first female president, the conservative Park Guen-hye, was confirmed by the Constitutional Court, and snap Presidential elections take place on 9 May 2017. Moon Jae-in, a liberal politician and a leading Minjoo (Democratic Party) personality, leads the polls and is the prospective next President of South Korea. Whoever will ...