Hotel Safety

Tyrimas 14-11-2008

Executive summary As it is now, no common minimum standards exist that define the safety of hotels in Europe. The 1986 Council Recommendation on fire safety in existing hotels provides a basis for creating common minimum standards for fire safety in European hotels, but a number of stakeholders have raised concerns about its limited effect on hotel safety in Europe. Moreover, the Recommendation only deals with fire safety and leaves out for example such safety questions as pool safety, food safety (hygiene), and carbon monoxide safety. While the 1986 Council Recommendation has to some extent been implemented in all EU Member States, differences exist between Member States for instance as to whether the provisions apply to all hotels, or only to new or newly renovated establishments. On the EU level, the 1986 Council Recommendation was followed in 2003 by a Commission report on the safety of services, which concludes that there is a need for systematic data collection on service related injuries and accidents before further measures can be taken. [...]