
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 10 minn 103 riżultati

In September 2021, the Commission launched a REFIT initiative to assess the implementation of Directive 2011/93/EU on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, with a view to revising it. This appraisal takes stock of reports published by the Commission, positions adopted and analyses submitted by EU institutions and agencies, and the relevant European Court of Human Rights case law. The directive requires the EU Member States to criminalise a series of ...

On 23 November 2023, the European Parliament approved the compromise reached with the Council in July 2023 on the European Commission proposal for a horizontal regulation on digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice, intended to apply to both civil and criminal cross-border proceedings within the EU. The regulation, proposed back in December 2021, will supplement horizontally, rather than replace, existing rules on the digital delivery of documents, digital hearings and other uses ...

In December 2021, the European Commission proposed a revision of Directive 2008/99/EC on the protection of the environment through criminal law. The proposal seeks to clarify some of the terms contained in the directive and includes an updated list of environmental crime offences, harmonised sanction types and levels, measures to strengthen international investigation and prosecution, improvements to the collection of statistical data, and measures to improve national enforcement chains. Ultimately ...

Amid troubling reports of organised crime incidents across the European Union (EU), Members of the European Parliament (EP) will have the opportunity to question the European Commission regarding the measures and tools in place and planned to address this issue at 'question time' during the October II plenary session.

The European Union (EU) has established over 40 regimes of sanctions against third countries, entities, and legal and natural persons. These restrictive measures include arms embargoes, import and export bans, freezing of funds and economic resources, and travel bans. Whereas the adoption of EU sanctions is centralised at EU level, their implementation and enforcement lies with the Member States. The significant differences between national systems, particularly in terms of offences and penalties ...

Online child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) and grooming (manipulative practices aimed at exploiting and abusing people), now increasingly targeting younger children, have been spreading at an alarming rate. In 2022, the more than 32 million reports of suspected online child sexual abuse, represented a historical peak. Among these reports, those on grooming marked an 82 % increase. Most of the activities detected were hosted in Europe. In response to this situation, on 11 May 2022 the European Commission ...

The confiscation of criminals' illicit profits is considered an effective tool in the fight against organised crime, identified as a major threat to EU security. However, despite the comprehensive set of EU rules on asset freezing and confiscation, there are still obstacles on the path to recovering criminal assets, as shown by the European Commission's June 2020 evaluation of the 2014 directive on freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime and the 2007 Council decision ...

The Commission demonstrates that child sexual abuse online is a serious problem that needs to be tackled. It frames the problem for the purpose of this IA in a narrow way, focusing on the legal fragmentation of the internal market for service providers. The root causes of the serious societal problem of offenders sexually abusing children – which leads to the production of CSAM – are not further examined. The IA considered five cumulative options; however, the formulation of the general objective ...

The e-CODEX system is the technological backbone of the digitalisation of EU judicial cooperation in both civil and criminal matters. It comprises a package of software products that allow for secure digital communication between courts, and between citizens and the courts, in particular enabling the secure exchange of judicial documents. The project, launched in 2010 with EU funding, has until now been managed by a consortium of Member States and other organisations, and coordinated by the Ministry ...

Environmental crime directive

Briefing 26-04-2022

This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above-mentioned proposal, which was submitted on 15 December 2021 and referred to the European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI). Despite the lack of systematic statistical data, environmental, social and economic damage caused by environmental crimes has been widely documented. Directive 2008/99/EC (the Environmental Crime Directive, ECD) was ...