Public hearing with Elke König, Chair of the Single Resolution Board 1 July 2021

Briefing 28-06-2021

This note is prepared in view of an ordinary public hearing with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Elke König, which will take place on 1 July 2021. The Chair will present the SRB’s annual report for 2020. This briefing addresses (i) the review of the crisis management framework, and in particular the SRB’s input to the Commission’s public consultation; (ii) MREL policy and statistics; (iii) liquidity in resolution; (iv) the relationship with the United Kingdom: contractual recognition of bailinable liabilities issued under third country laws; (v) developments in respect of particular resolution cases; (vi) contributions to the Single Resolution Fund; and (vii) SRB and some other publications.