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In 2007, the EU established a set of basic rights for rail passengers, which became applicable at the end of 2009. These rights provide for all passengers, including those with reduced mobility, a harmonised minimum level of protection, information and assistance. Reports have concluded that the implementation of these rights, although relatively smooth, is not done uniformly across the EU. Moreover, other shortcomings have prevented these rights from being used to their full potential. In September ...

Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1371/2007 reguluje w UE prawa i obowiązki pasażerów w ruchu kolejowym oraz przewiduje zharmonizowane informacje, pomoc i odszkodowania dla wszystkich pasażerów. We wrześniu 2017 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła nowy wniosek mający na celu osiągnięcie większej równowagi między wzmocnieniem praw pasażerów a zmniejszeniem obciążeń dla przedsiębiorstw kolejowych. Oczekuje się, że podczas kwietniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski przeprowadzi głosowanie w drugim czytaniu w ...

Europejski Rok Kolei 2021

W skrócie 10-12-2020

Od 1983 r. UE wybiera co roku szczególny temat, na który przez cały rok uwrażliwia obywateli, zachęcając do debaty publicznej. 2021 będzie Europejskim Rokiem Kolei. W związku z tym zaplanowano szereg wydarzeń, aby podkreślić wyzwania i możliwości związane z koleją oraz jej wkład w bardziej ekologiczne środowisko. Podczas grudniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament ma przeprowadzić głosowanie nad wnioskiem ustawodawczym w tej sprawie, aby promować kolej jako zrównoważony, innowacyjny i bezpieczny środek ...

2021: European Year of Rail

W skrócie 06-11-2020

Every year since 1983, the EU has chosen a special annual theme to celebrate and to bring to public attention. The idea is to raise awareness on the issue, encourage public debate on it across the EU and underline its political importance. The process can lead to new EU initiatives or legislation. 2021 has been designated European Year of Rail, to stir debate on railways' contribution to the European Green Deal and the environment. A wide range of events are planned, reaching out to the general public ...

From 1 January 2021, EU law will no longer apply to the part of the Channel Tunnel under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom. During the October I plenary session, Parliament is expected to vote on two proposals to maintain safe and efficient railway operations within the Channel Tunnel from that date. They aim to keep a single safety authority for the whole tunnel applying EU rules and to empower France to negotiate a new agreement with the United Kingdom to that end.

Rail plays a major role in the EU economy and labour market: as of the end of 2016, railways employed roughly one million people. Moreover, by contributing to more sustainable and environmentally friendly transport, rail is critical to achieving the objectives of the Green Deal. The coronavirus outbreak had an adverse impact on domestic and international passenger and freight rail, and could also have negative financial consequences on all rail stakeholders and for the EU rail market structure. During ...

The regulations on admission to the occupation of road transport operator and on access to the international road transport market have been contributing to the functioning of EU road transport and fairer competition between resident and non-resident hauliers since December 2011. Despite the improvements they have brought to the sector, persistent shortcomings such as diverging national application of the rules and uneven enforcement called for a revision of both acts. On 31 May 2017, as part of ...

The EU has established a range of social measures applicable to the road transport sector, which aim at improving drivers' working conditions, road safety and competition. To give real substance to these measures, compliance is key. The 2006 Enforcement Directive was therefore adopted to effectively implement the social provisions of the Driving Time Regulation. The present proposal, published in the context of the European Commission's 2017 'Europe on the move' initiative, seeks to remedy some shortcomings ...

The Driving Time and Tachograph Regulations were adopted to improve drivers' working conditions and road safety, as well as to enhance compliance with the rules, and competition between road operators. In the context of the European Commission's 2017 'Europe on the move' package, the present proposal aims to remedy the shortcomings of these regulations, on which a broad consensus has emerged: lack of clarity, non-uniform implementation, insufficient enforcement and a need for strengthened cooperation ...

Oprócz liberalizacji transportu i ustanowienia rynku wewnętrznego w sektorze transportu UE wprowadziła też środki społeczne i rynkowe. W celu wzmocnienia tych środków w sektorze transportu drogowego towarów 31 maja 2017 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła w ramach pakietu „Europa w ruchu” zestaw trzech wniosków ustawodawczych dotyczących czasu prowadzenia pojazdu i czasu odpoczynku, delegowania kierowców oraz dostępu do zawodu i kabotażu. Głosowanie w drugim czytaniu w Parlamencie Europejskim nad zestawem ...