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In July 2023, the Commission adopted its fourth annual rule of law report, covering judicial independence, the anti-corruption framework, media freedom and checks and balances in all Member States. As in previous years, the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) has tabled a motion for a resolution on the report, highlighting progress and identifying areas for possible further improvement.

European media freedom act

Briefing 06-02-2024

An independent media is a pillar of democracy and an important part of the economy, helping to shape public opinion and hold those in power to account. In recent years, however, there have been increasingly worrying trends across the European Union (EU), as documented in the annual rule of law reports by the European Commission, and by other tools such as the Media Pluralism Monitor. Tabled on 16 September 2022, the proposed European media freedom act (EMFA) would introduce a new set of rules to ...

Europejski akt o wolności mediów

W skrócie 27-09-2023

We wrześniu 2022 r. Komisja Europejska zaproponowała rozporządzenie ustanawiające wspólne ramy usług medialnych na rynku wewnętrznym („europejski akt o wolności mediów”). Podczas pierwszej październikowej sesji plenarnej Parlament ma głosować nad sprawozdaniem Komisji Kultury i Edukacji (CULT). Sprawozdanie przyjęte w głosowaniu byłoby stanowiskiem Parlamentu w negocjacjach międzyinstytucjonalnych z Radą, która uzgodniła swoje stanowisko w czerwcu 2023 r.

This study analyses the European Media Freedom Act proposal. It provides a political and historical overview of EU policies in the field of media and on information society at large, also taking into account the debate regarding EU competences on media pluralism and media freedom. The study reasons on the legal basis of the proposed Act, and then analyses the provisions of it under each of the Chapters of the Act, basing on relevant academic literature, policy documents, and empirical data. It concludes ...

Plenary round-up – July 2023

W skrócie 14-07-2023

Members focused on a wide range of legislative files during the July plenary session, in particular on environmental policy, the European chips act, and on journalists' freedom. Parliament debated the conclusions of the European Council meeting held on 29 30 June 2023, and the recent developments in the war against Ukraine and in Russia in particular. Members also debated Council and Commission statements on the greening transport package, the state of the SME Union, the need to adopt the 'unshell ...

27 czerwca 2023 r. Komisja Prawna przyjęła sprawozdanie w sprawie wniosku dotyczącego dyrektywy w sprawie ochrony dziennikarzy i obrońców praw człowieka przed stanowiącymi nadużycie transgranicznymi postępowaniami cywilnymi, często nazywanymi SLAPP. Komisja Prawna popiera wniosek i zaproponowała szereg poprawek mających na celu jego wzmocnienie. Przedłożone do debaty na lipcowej sesji plenarnej sprawozdanie po przyjęciu będzie podstawą negocjacji trójstronnych z Radą, która 9 czerwca przyjęła podejście ...

The following policy recommendations supplement the background analysis that was prepared for the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT committee) on the “European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) – Background Analysis” . The Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a common framework for media services in the internal market (European Media Freedom Act) and amending Directive 2010/13/EU (‘EMFA’) was published on 16 September 2022 and ...

Recognising media freedom and freedom of expression as cornerstones of democracy, the European Union and the United States remain dedicated to protecting these freedoms at home and internationally. Their efforts to overcome threats to media freedom are particularly vital in the context of the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, celebrated on 3 May 2023, at a time when media is facing mounting pressure globally.

This background analysis focusses on relevant issues to be taken into account in the discussions on the Proposal for a European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), especially from a media law perspective. Dealing with questions on the appropriate legal basis and coherence with the existing regulatory framework, as well as selected substantive issues and the proposed institutional structures, the analysis highlights possible shortcomings regarding practical impact and enforcement that should be addressed.

The impact assessment (IA) defines in sufficient detail the problem, its drivers and the need to protect media pluralism and independence in the EU. While it duly explains that the problems identified affect the 'entire information ecosystem', their geographical scale is not very clear. The IA examines three options, with different packages of measures with a gradually increasing level of approximation of certain aspects of national frameworks relating to media pluralism and independence. Costs and ...