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Covering some 52 000 large agro-industrial installations EU-wide, the Industrial Emissions Directive is the main EU instrument regulating industrial pollutant emissions. The proposal for a revision, tabled in April 2022, seeks to bring it into line with the EU's zero pollution ambition, energy, climate and circular economy policy goals under the European Green Deal. The main changes include expanding its scope, strengthening permit requirements, and adding measures to foster innovation. Stakeholders ...

This study explains how threats to soils and soil services are linked to agricultural soil management, how threats can be mitigated, and which barriers complicate this. It highlights trade-offs and synergies that exist between different interests affected by soil management, such as climate change mitigation, water and air quality, biodiversity, food security and farm income. Conservation of peatland and extensive agro-forestry systems, and protecting soils against sealing, erosion and compaction ...

W nadchodzących dziesięcioleciach w wyniku wzrostu liczby ludności i rozwoju gospodarczego zwiększy się światowy popyt na żywność i energię uzyskiwane dzięki wykorzystaniu gruntów rolnych. W tym samym czasie konieczne będzie przystosowanie rolnictwa do coraz poważniejszych zagrożeń związanych z klimatem (które w Europie prawdopodobnie przeważą szanse wynikające ze zmiany klimatu), przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu oddziaływania emisji z działalności rolniczej na zmianę klimatu. Ponadto spodziewana jest ...

China is facing a plethora of environmental challenges, most a result of rapid economic development, which is linked to heavy industrialisation. These challenges include air pollution, contamination and scarcity of water, desertification, and acid rain. The public lacks information on environmental hazards or contentious projects. Recognising many of these problems, Beijing has taken various measures since the mid-2000s, for instance on energy efficiency, renewable energy, pollution and water scarcity ...

One of the most important challenges of this enlargement is ensuring that the environmental p One rotection in the new members will be at least as high as in the old members. This challenge is high because of the negligence of the environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the past and the large gap in the level of environmental protection between CEE and the Union. Some of the most important causes of environmental pollution are the production and use of energy.