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What if we built cities on water?

W skrócie 01-06-2022

Since ancient times, from the Roman Empire around the Mediterranean Sea to floating islands used by the Uro people of Peru, civilisations have settled near water. Today, rising sea levels place coastal cities under constant threat. An estimated 250 million people currently live on land below projected annual flood levels, often in coastal cities such as London, Lagos, Mumbai or Shanghai; and this number may rise to 630 million by the end of the century. An additional 318 million people have been ...

The European Commission recently adopted a strategy to develop offshore renewable energies in all of Europe's seas. This could make a major contribution towards the decarbonisation of energy consumption across the EU. The strategy aims to increase offshore wind capacity to 25 times current levels, and facilitate the commercialisation of new offshore renewable technologies, such as tidal, wave and floating solar energy. The Commission will provide a supportive regulatory framework and increase funding ...

This study researched the drivers and mechanisms of both structural and non-structural horizontal and vertical integration in the seafood industry in all Member States with a coastline. The objective of the study was to identify trends among the Member States. The observed trends generally fall into three broad, inter-linked categories: regulatory environment, natural resources and firm performance.

This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee. This paper analyses the Italian regulation framework on beach concessions within a compared European framework. It illustrates pending issues and the potential consequences of the judgment of the EU Court of Justice, C-458/14 e C-67/15, which may impose a comprehensive beach reform that cannot be delayed any further. The models adopted by ...

The €6 396.6 million European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is the smallest of the European Structural and Investment Funds for the 2014-2020 period, but it is the major financial tool supporting the EU common fisheries policy (CFP). Slightly less than half of the Fund is dedicated to promoting sustainable fisheries and to fostering sustainable aquaculture. Another significant share contributes to proper implementation of the CFP, particularly for data collection and science-based needs, and ...

Umowa UE-Norwegia dotycząca cieśniny Skagerrak, zezwalająca statkom rybackim z Danii, Norwegii i Szwecji na prowadzenie połowów na wodach każdej ze stron, została uaktualniona. Nowa umowa mająca na celu dostosowanie zarządzania rybołówstwem w cieśninie Skagerrak do międzynarodowych zasad jurysdykcji państwa nadbrzeżnego została podpisana w styczniu 2015 r. i jest stosowana tymczasowo do czasu jej wejścia w życie. Zawarcie powyższej umowy wymaga zgody Parlamentu.

Sektor transportu wodnego stwarza wiele możliwości w zakresie ekologizacji i rozwoju gospodarczego dla transportu pasażerskiego w Unii Europejskiej. Celem sprawozdania Parlamentu Europejskiego z inicjatywy własnej w sprawie wykorzystania potencjału promów na obszarach przybrzeżnych i śródlądowych drogach wodnych jest zwiększenie nacisku na pasażerski transport wodny w planie polityki transportowej.

The Atlantic Action Plan

W skrócie 17-02-2016

The European Commission adopted the Atlantic Action Plan in 2013, aiming to revitalise the marine and maritime economy of France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom after the economic crisis. Funded from existing EU programmes, the plan promotes entrepreneurship and innovation through research and technology, while protecting the marine environment. Engaging national and regional actors, it also opens up possibilities of wider transatlantic cooperation.

Maritime spatial planning

W skrócie 05-12-2013

Some EU Member States (MS) have introduced a maritime spatial planning (MSP) process to manage the activities taking place within their seas and coastal areas. Increased activities at sea are expected to contribute to economic growth and innovation. The European Commission has proposed a Directive that would oblige MS to make such plans and coordinate them with other MS.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the Commission proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management (COM (2013) 133), submitted on 12 March 2013. It analyses whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s own Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as additional factors ...