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The current ACP-EU Partnership Agreement (the 'Cotonou Partnership Agreement') features a provision making it possible for the EU to negotiate different economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with regional ACP sub-groups. This provision was needed for the partnership to be brought into compliance with the World Trade Organization's rules. Negotiations for an EPA with the members of the East African Community (EAC) – at the time: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda – were finalised in October ...

In line with the objective of the Cotonou Agreement to establish a World Trade Organization-compatible trade regime with ACP countries, in 2002 the EU started negotiations on free trade agreements with different ACP regional configurations. One of these is the SADC EPA Group – of southern African countries, including South Africa. The negotiations were long but the final outcome is a compromise that has been accepted by all parties, with the exception of Angola which did not endorse the Economic ...

Under international public law, states can be asked to compensate investors whenever regulatory measures become expropriation measures or violate standards of treatment, such as the 'fair and equitable treatment of investors' obligation. The EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) takes a relatively restrictive approach to these investor rights.

W dniu 30 października 2016 r. po długich dyskusjach Unia Europejska i Kanada podpisały kompleksową umowę gospodarczo-handlową (CETA). Decyzję Rady o podpisaniu CETA uzupełnia łącznie 38 oświadczeń i deklaracji oraz wspólny instrument interpretacyjny. Parlament rozpoczął procedurę zgody, a głosowanie plenarne przewidziano podczas drugiej sesji lutowej.

In line with the objective of the Cotonou Agreement to establish a World Trade Organization compatible trade regime with ACP countries, in 2002 the EU started negotiations on free trade agreements with different ACP regional configurations. One of these is the SADC EPA Group – of southern African countries, including South Africa. The negotiations were long but the final outcome is a compromise that has been accepted by all parties, with the exception of Angola which did not endorse the Economic ...

Is CETA a mixed agreement?

W skrócie 01-07-2016

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada is currently being translated into the EU’s official languages. Once the translations are available, the European Commission can propose that the Council sign and conclude the agreement on behalf of the European Union. It is not yet decided whether the agreement in its entirety would fall under the exclusive competence of the European Union or would also touch upon Member States' competences. In the latter case, ratification by the ...

The Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), in force since April 2014, introduce requirements on the publication of certain documents in arbitral proceedings which apply the UNCITRAL arbitration rules. The new Mauritius Convention would allow those transparency rules also to be applied in disputes arising under investment agreements existing prior to April 2014. The Council is currently debating on what ...

Parlament Europejski jest proszony o wydanie zgody na ratyfikację przez Unię Europejską dwóch porozumień dotyczących klimatu: poprawki dauhańskiej do protokołu z Kioto oraz porozumienia między UE a Islandią dotyczącego wspólnej realizacji zobowiązań w ramach protokołu z Kioto. Poprawka dauhańska ustanawia drugi okres rozliczeniowy protokołu z Kioto (2013–2020), który jest umową międzynarodową w sprawie ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych.

Od czasu „rewolucji róż” w 2003 r. Gruzja stale zacieśniała swoje więzi z UE. Dnia 27 czerwca 2014 r. UE i Gruzja podpisały Układ o stowarzyszeniu, co doprowadziło do nasilenia rosyjskiej presji na i tak już krytykowany rząd w Tbilisi z powodu obrania przezeń proeuropejskiego kursu polityki zagranicznej.