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European Solidarity Corps

Briefing 12-10-2018

The Commission launched the European Solidarity Corps in a December 2016 communication, and the present proposal for a regulation would set its legal basis, define the budgetary and implementation arrangements, specify objectives and define key terms. The Corps would have a volunteering strand on the one hand and a smaller occupational strand (traineeships and jobs) on the other. All placements focus on solidarity actions and will last between 2 to 12 months. The proposal set a target of 100 000 ...

EU Youth Strategy

Badanie 20-02-2018

This study provides an analysis of the EU Youth Strategy, established through the Council Resolution adopted in November 2009 on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field for the period 2010-2018. The EU Youth Strategy is, first and foremost, an instrument created to facilitate the coordination of Member States' youth policies, with the additional possibility of supporting actions taken at the European level and managed by the European Commission and other bodies and organisations ...

This study provides an assessment of the legislative proposal for the establishment of the European Solidarity Corps. It focuses on the added value of the ESC; challenges linking EU programmes; and the complementarity to paid employment. It concludes that in principle the initiative is welcome; however, many issues in the proposal (and supporting documentation) are not sufficiently made clear. The most important concerns are: 1) level of engagement of stakeholders in the ESC framework; 2) feasibility ...

Pomoc humanitarna

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-09-2017

Pomoc humanitarna jest szczególnym obszarem działań zewnętrznych UE, gdyż służy reagowaniu na potrzeby powstałe w wyniku katastrof spowodowanych przez człowieka- i klęsk żywiołowych. Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Europejskiej Ochrony Ludności i Pomocy Humanitarnej (ECHO) Komisji Europejskiej prowadzi operacje pomocowe oraz koordynuje politykę i działania państw członkowskich. Parlament i Rada UE działają jako współprawodawcy w dziedzinie kształtowania polityki UE dotyczącej pomocy humanitarnej i uczestniczą ...

Wolontariat w UE

W skrócie 19-10-2016

Wolontariat jest podstawowym środkiem wyrazu aktywności obywatelskiej. W ciągu ostatnich 20 lat około 100 000 młodych ludzi wzięło udział w międzynarodowych działaniach wolontariackich w ramach wolontariatu europejskiego, wnosząc swój wkład w tak różne dziedziny jak edukacja, młodzież, kultura, sport, środowisko, zdrowie, opieka społeczna, ochrona konsumentów, pomoc humanitarna, polityka rozwoju, badania naukowe, równość szans i stosunki zewnętrzne.

The study examines the legal, administrative and other barriers to cross-border volunteering which prevent it from achieving its full potential. Those barriers include uncertainty and the risk of forfeiting social security benefits, the unclear framework for obtaining residence permits in some host countries, the lack of clear procedures for the recognition of the skills and competences gained through volunteering, the lack of positive action and information on volunteering opportunities, and insufficient ...

The European Commission's proposal for the setting up of a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (EVHAC) is aimed at encouraging young Europeans to contribute to EU humanitarian aid operations and make them more visible. With pilot volunteers already on the ground, adoption of the proposed regulation will ensure the initiative maximises its contribution to EU aid objectives.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps. Both the Council and the European Parliament have expressed strong support for such an initiative, reaffirming the key role of the Union in promoting volunteering.

A European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (EVHAC), foreseen in the Lisbon Treaty, would aim to encourage young Europeans to contribute to EU humanitarian aid operations, and make them more visible. The European Commission is preparing a legislative proposal, expected for the second half of 2012, with the aim of establishing the Corps by 2014.