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On 13 December, Parliament voted, by 625 to 1, to terminate the office of Vice-President Eva Kaili, one of the 14 Vice-Presidents elected in January 2022 at the mid-term renewal of Parliament's leadership positions. The vote came after a unanimous vote in the Conference of Presidents to launch the procedure under Rule 21. It came in the context of the ongoing investigations carried out by the Belgian authorities for alleged wrongdoing, which have recently become public knowledge with charges brought ...

Podczas pierwszej czerwcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma przeprowadzić głosowanie nad rezolucją dotyczącą kluczowej dla Parlamentu kwestii, jaką jest nabycie „bezpośredniego” prawa inicjatywy ustawodawczej – uprawnienia przysługującego już parlamentom narodowym w państwach członkowskich. Dyskusja na ten temat toczy się w momencie, gdy po zakończeniu Konferencji w sprawie przyszłości Europy rozważana jest możliwość otwarcia się na większe, bardziej dalekosiężne reformy UE.

The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020 presented parliamentary institutions around the world with a new and unprecedented scenario. Parliamentary rules of procedure in representative democracies are commonly built upon the principles of pluralism, deliberation and transparency, aiming to provide an arena in which representatives of the people have the opportunity to publicly confront each other's points of view in a free and fair setting. It is, therefore, safe to say that ordinary ...

Na posiedzeniu plenarnym w styczniu 2022 r. Parlament Europejski (PE) ma wybrać swojego 31. przewodniczącego na drugą połowę obecnej kadencji. Będzie on piastował to stanowisko do następnych wyborów europejskich, po których nowy Parlament wybierze przewodniczącego w lipcu 2024 r. Przewodniczący pełni ważną i coraz bardziej eksponowaną funkcję w strukturach instytucji UE i na arenie międzynarodowej, co odzwierciedla wpływową rolę Parlamentu jako współustawodawcy i podmiotu kształtującego unijną politykę ...

The role and the prerogatives of the European Parliament have evolved and increased over time, not only as regards legislative powers and oversight but also in relation to the procedures to nominate, vet and appoint people to other senior positions in EU institutions, agencies and other bodies. Parliament's role varies from case to case depending on the legal basis. For instance, Parliament appoints the European Ombudsman, is consulted when appointing the members of the Court of Auditors and appoints ...

In February 2016, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, vacating a position on America’s highest court. That quickly focused American political discussion, in the midst of a heated Presidential campaigning season, on his possible replacement. The appointment of Supreme Court Justices is broadly depicted in Article II of the US Constitution as a process in which the President chooses a candidate but the Senate provides its 'advice and consent' on the nominee. The Republican-controlled ...

Upon request by the FEMM Committee, the Policy Department has examined the Member States' different national legislations for maternity or parental leave for national members of Parliament. Furthermore, the rules concerning absence and leave for Members of the European Parliament have also been explored. The overview of the European and national rules provide insights in the different ways how maternity or parental leave is regulated for members of parliament at both levels. It concludes that the ...

Upon request by the JURI Committee, this in-depth analysis examines the immunity of Polish parliamentarians, i.e. Deputies to the Sejm and Senators. It describes forms of immunity, their scopes, taking into account the jurisprudence of the Polish Supreme Court and the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, as well as parliamentary procedures regarding waiving or defending the immunities. It also includes a description of legal and practical problems related to an ordinary application of immunity rules. ...

This study aims to provide insights into the implementation and enforcement of integrity regimes as applied to members of legislatures. The specific focus is on comparing the application of the Code of Conduct of Members of the European Parliament with similar integrity frameworks in the European Union Member States. In general terms the Code of Conduct is considered well aligned with good practice approaches. However, potential for further enhancements exists with regard to the Code’s integrity ...

The European Parliament's rules of procedure regulating written declarations are under review. Written declarations are a way for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to initiate or reintroduce parliamentary discussion on a matter of common concern.