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Over 20 months after the start of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the European Union has so far earmarked €12 billion (in current prices) from the European Peace Facility (EPF), itself funded by the Member States, in military aid for Ukraine. Set up before the launch of Russia's war on Ukraine, the EPF was initially intended to finance military assistance worldwide, with a particular focus on Africa. The EU has directed EPF-funded support to partner countries' armies, to military components ...

With the aim of bringing Russia’s war of aggression to an end and developing a sustainable post-war peace, Ukraine has advanced its vision of peace (as encompassed in President Zelenskyy’s ‘peace formula’) and the paths that lead to this (as outlined in Ukraine’s 10-point peace plan). Other actors, including China, Indonesia and the collective African Peace Initiative Mission, have advanced their own peace proposals. This in-depth analysis (IDA) scrutinises the different proposals that have been ...

Russia's war on Ukraine has caused the European Union (EU) to intensify its work for peace and security. The Peace and Security Outlook, produced by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), seeks to analyse and explain the European Union's contribution to the promotion and restoration of peace and security internationally, through its various external policies. This study provides an overview of the issues and current state of play. It looks first at the concept of peace and the changing ...

Sytuacja w Libii

W skrócie 16-11-2022

W grudniu 2021 r. w Libii bezterminowo przełożono wybory. W 2022 r. sytuacja polityczna i sytuacja w zakresie bezpieczeństwa w tym kraju jeszcze bardziej się pogorszyły. Pogłębiło to impas polityczny i podziały. W Libii nadal nie ma jednolitych instytucji krajowych, szeroko akceptowanej konstytucji i przepisów dotyczących wyborów. We wrześniu 2022 r. powołano nowego wysłannika Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych do Libii. Został nim Abdoulaye Bathiliy. Jednym z jego priorytetów jest zachęcanie do porozumienia ...

A commemorative bust of John Hume (1937-2020) – awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998 for his tireless efforts to bring peace to his native Northern Ireland – was unveiled in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday 7 June 2022. Having served as an MEP from 1979 to 2004, John Hume understood the European Parliament as a forum in which to raise attention to the problems of Northern Ireland and build European support for resolving the conflict. And it was also – with a measure of seclusion ...

NATO has condemned Russia’s war on Ukraine in the strongest possible terms, and calls it ‘the biggest security threat in a generation’. The Alliance calls on Russia to cease hostilities immediately, withdraw all its forces from Ukraine and work towards a peaceful diplomatic solution. To avoid direct confrontation with Russia, NATO has made clear that it will not deploy forces to Ukraine, which is not a NATO member, nor will it enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine. The delivery of weapons and equipment ...

Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 drew attention to the close relationship between Vladimir Putin's regime and the Russian Orthodox Church. The latter has strongly backed Putin's war and has long provided theological and ideological justifications for his domestic and international actions. The Church's overtly political approach has contributed to deep divisions within the wider Orthodox world, including a formal split with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and significant tensions with ...

Mniej więcej pięć lat po zawarciu porozumienia pokojowego między rządem Kolumbii a Rewolucyjnymi Siłami Zbrojnymi Kolumbii (FARC) sytuacja polityczna, gospodarcza, zdrowotna i ogólna w tym kraju pozostaje niestabilna, z podzielonym społeczeństwem, konfliktami podsycanymi przez narkotyki i słabymi rządami. 2022 będzie kluczowym rokiem wyborczym, a ożywienie gospodarcze po pandemii koronawirusa pozostaje wyzwaniem. Prezydent Kolumbii Iván Duque Márquez wygłosi przemówienie w Parlamencie Europejskim ...

The European Peace Facility (EPF) has been operational since 1 July 2021. This off-EU budget instrument finances operations with military implications (previously financed by the Athena mechanism and the African Peace Facility), and provides support to the EU partner countries' armies with infrastructure, training and equipment, including with lethal weapons. So far, it has funded operations in places as diverse as the Western Balkans, the Eastern Neighbourhood, in particular Ukraine, and sub-Saharan ...

The departure of United States (US) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops from Afghanistan marks the end of a 20-year military campaign that was launched in 2001 to eliminate the Taliban's ability to provide sanctuary for international terrorists, especially al-Qaeda, and stabilise the country with the help of a democratically elected government. However, as the last US soldier boarded a US military aeroplane on 31 August 2021, terrorists were firing rockets at Kabul airport, members ...