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Drawing on a wide array of sources and literature, this study examines the role of the European Parliament in the establishment of the European Community's consumer policy. It argues that Parliament played a key role in placing this nascent policy issue on the agenda. It influenced the definition of what the policy should include, what it should focus on, and which instruments should be used to address the problems facing European consumers. In this process, Parliament filtered ideas, issues and ...

Over time, EU food markets have evolved significantly, driven by innovation and changes in consumer demand and expectations. Taking this shift into account, on 21 April 2023 the European Commission proposed to update some of the rules governing a set of directives on food products – the 'breakfast' directives. Changes include introducing stricter origin labelling for honey, increasing the fruit content in jams, reducing sugar in fruit juice and clearing the way for the production of lactose-free ...

28 kwietnia 2023 r. Komisja przedstawiła wniosek w sprawie aktualizacji unijnych ram dotyczących detergentów i środków powierzchniowo czynnych. Podczas drugiej lutowej sesji plenarnej w 2023 roku Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad sprawozdaniem w tej sprawie, które Komisja Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności przyjęła 14 lutego 2024 r.

As announced in the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030, on 22 June 2022 the European Commission tabled a proposal for a nature restoration regulation. The proposed regulation would set multiple binding restoration targets and obligations across a broad range of ecosystems, from forests and agricultural land to urban areas, rivers and marine habitats, complementing other existing legal instruments. Altogether, these nature restoration measures should cover at least 20 % of the EU's land and sea areas ...

On 5 July 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on certain new genomic techniques (NGTs). It establishes two categories of plants obtained by NGTs: plants comparable to naturally occurring or conventional plants, and plants with modifications that are more complex. The two categories will be subject to different requirements to reach the market, taking into account their differing characteristics and risk profiles. Feedback from stakeholders is mixed. While industry interest groups ...

This European implementation assessment has been drawn up to support the work of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Public Health (SANT) on its implementation report on Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. Building on the Commission evaluation report published in 2020, the study assesses the implementation and application of the Regulation on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Health claims and use of health claims on foods containing botanicals are at the heart of this study, while nutrition ...

This briefing provides a pre-legislative synthesis of the positions of national, regional and local governmental organisations on the European Commission's forthcoming proposal on sustainable food systems. It forms part of an EPRS series offering a summary of the pre-legislative state of play and advance consultation on a range of key European Commission priorities during its 5-year term in office. It seeks to present the current state of affairs, examine how existing policy is working on the ground ...

Podczas czerwcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament będzie debatować nad sprawozdaniem Komisji Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi (AGRI) w sprawie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego i długoterminowej odporności rolnictwa w UE. Parlament zagłosuje również nad zaleceniami politycznymi dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego na świecie i w UE oraz zwiększenia odporności unijnego rolnictwa.

Access to safe and nutritious food is key to sustaining life and promoting good health. The fifth World Food Safety Day will be celebrated on 7 June 2023, to draw attention to the need to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, and to inspire action in this regard. The globalisation of the food trade, a growing world population, climate change and rapidly changing food systems all have an impact on food safety. World Health Organization (WHO) data reveal that unsafe food containing harmful bacteria ...

The current situation in Ukraine has led to severe supply chain disruptions, contributing to a sharp increase in food and commodity prices globally and the limitation of fossil fuel imports from Russia to the EU. Moreover, to end Europe's dependence on semiconductor suppliers from Asian countries, it is necessary to take immediate action of a structural nature, involving all EU Member States and all participants in regional supply markets. The overall aim of this study was to identify drivers of ...