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During the November II plenary session, Parliament will debate the issue of legal protection for rainbow families exercising free movement in the light of a case concerning the refusal to issue civil status documents to a child born to a lesbian couple.

V štúdii, ktorú zadala tematická sekcia Európskeho parlamentu pre práva občanov a ústavné veci na žiadosť výboru PETI, sa skúmajú: i) prekážky, ktorým čelia dúhové rodiny (páry rovnakého pohlavia s deťmi alebo bez detí) pri pokuse o uplatňovanie svojich práv na voľný pohyb v rámci EÚ vrátane príkladov uvedených v petíciách predložených výboru PETI; ii) spôsob, akým členské štáty EÚ zaobchádzajú so zosobášenými pármi rovnakého pohlavia, registrovanými partnermi, neregistrovanými partnermi a ich deťmi ...

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services for children – from birth to compulsory primary school age – form an essential part of policies for work-life balance and for better social cohesion. A policy mix of flexible labour market arrangements, generous leave policies and quality ECEC services allows choices for parents, and at the same time supports the healthy development of their children. Member States are increasingly establishing well-functioning, efficient systems. Investing in early-years ...

Good work-life balance promotes the well-being of workers and can contribute to achieving other EU policy goals. However currently more than one worker in five expresses dissatisfaction with their personal situation. Acheiving work-life balance can be made easier by family-oriented policies and flexibility in the organisation of work. It has been suggested that 2014 be designated the European Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life.