Compendium of Initial Appraisals of European Commission Impact Assessments: June 2012 - June 2013

Poglobljena analiza 15-07-2013

The European parliament's Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit routinely screens the road-maps accompanying the European Commission's Work Programme, to check which of its legislative proposals will be subject to impact assessment by the Commission. It then undertakes an initial appraisal of these Commission impact assessments when they arrive in the Parliament, to check that certain criteria are met and to identify the basic methodological strengths and weaknesses of the texts. This is a compendium of such initial appraisals prepared by the Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit for different parliamentary committees. They analyse whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as additional factors identified by the Parliament in its Impact Assessment Handbook, appear to be met by the impact assessments accompanying Commission proposals. They do not attempt to deal with the substance of the proposal and are drafted for informational and background purposes to assist the relevant parliamentary committee(s) and Members more widely in their work. The present volume is a compendium of all Initial Appraisals produced by the Ex-Ante Impact Assessment Unit in the period from June 2012 to June 2013.