
Rezultati iskanja

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The workshop explored the different ways to tackle environmental criminality in developing countries. Bringing together a wide range of international experts as well as local representatives from developing countries, the workshop sought to identify existing gaps in policy and legal responses, and generate debates about how the identified gaps can be filled. The first panel focused on the prevention and the fight against environmental crimes in developing countries. In doing so, it drew on lessons ...

In June 2020, the European Commission presented a proposal to reinforce the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), the main instrument to coordinate the EU's response to disasters. At its April 2021 plenary session, Parliament is expected to debate and vote on the compromise text resulting from interinstitutional negotiations.

Due to the various terrorist attacks across the EU in recent years, internal security and the fight against terrorism have become major concerns for EU citizens as well as for the EU Heads of State or Government. The European Council has a significant Treaty-based role to play in the area of justice and home affairs, including on policy issues such as the fight against terrorism and organised crime, police cooperation and cybersecurity, often subsumed under the concept ‘internal security’. In recent ...

Humanitarna pomoč

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-09-2017

Humanitarna pomoč je posebno področje zunanjega delovanja EU, s katero se Unija odziva na potrebe v primeru nesreč, ki jih povzroči človek, ali naravnih nesreč. Generalni direktorat Komisije za humanitarno pomoč in civilno zaščito (ECHO) financira operacije pomoči in usklajuje politike in ukrepe držav članic. Parlament in Svet EU imata pri oblikovanju politike humanitarne pomoči EU vlogo sozakonodajalcev. Udeležujeta se tudi svetovnih razprav o učinkovitejšem humanitarnem ukrepanju.

The concept of hybrid threat has gained traction in relation to Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the ISIL/Da’esh campaigns going far beyond Syria and Iraq. Faced with this constantly evolving challenge, the European Union and NATO have taken several steps to strengthen their respective capabilities and pursue common objectives through closer cooperation. The EU-NATO joint declaration adopted in July 2016 in the margins of the Warsaw NATO Summit represents a clear step forward in this regard. The document ...

UN climate talks in Bonn made only slow progress in negotiations towards a new international climate agreement, although a deal was reached to protect forests with a view to mitigating climate change. More than 40 countries have submitted pledges for post-2020 climate action. Meanwhile, the G7 called for global decarbonisation within this century, the International Energy Agency (IEA) found that global energy-related emissions could peak by 2020, Pope Francis issued an encyclical addressing climate ...

Proceedings of the workshop on "Towards a post-Hyogo Framework for Action: Strengthening disaster resilience for sustainable development", held on 20 January 2015 in Brussels.

Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) terrorism is a form of terrorism involving the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Following 11th September 2001, the interna¬tional community came to believe there was a high probability that terrorists would make use of such weapons. The growing number of people familiar with CBRN warfare techniques and the spread of scientific knowledge, coupled with poor security of relevant facilities, could facilitate terrorists in getting hold ...

Over 11 years, the EU Solidarity Fund has helped countries hit by major natural disasters. But its functioning has shown room for some improvement. Parliament will discuss possible adjustments for the future of the Fund.

In the context of the ongoing legislative report on the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (2011/0461 (COD)), the European Parliament organised a workshop to discuss the Commission’s legislative proposal putting special emphasis on prevention, preparedness and response, and the available technology and services in the event of a crisis.