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In the past decade, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), especially of mobile communications, has increased exponentially in Sub-Saharan Africa. It has become common to talk of a 'mobile revolution' sweeping the region, with mobile phone use spreading quickly, geographically and socially, accompanied by novel applications, impacting on other areas of economic life. The internet still has to catch up with the mobile sector, but there are encouraging signs that it will do so ...

Cilj pričujoče študije je oceniti razvoj in izvajanje strateške skladnosti kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014–2020. Avtorji študije na podlagi analize dokumentov in razgovorov z organi držav članic ugotavljajo, da se je stanje v celoti gledano v primerjavi s preteklim obdobjem izboljšalo, vendar obenem izpostavljajo tudi številne izzive, povezane z zagotavljanjem strateško skladnega pristopa med različnimi evropskimi strukturnimi in investicijskimi skladi ter ostalimi politikami EU, s katerimi se ...

Urban areas with a legacy of “old industries” have faced large-scale investment needs in the regeneration of derelict land, rehabilitation of housing and infrastructure and in addressing ecological challenges, in addition to massive changes in economic activities and jobs. Cohesion policy has contributed to rehabilitation and new development. These regions depend on national and European industrial policy as well as on the capacity of local and regional actors to plan and develop a new and amenable ...

This briefing note presents an analysis of how the Partnership Contracts for the funding period 2014-2020 can be implemented regarding issues of multilevel governance and how the flexibility in the EU Cohesion Policy can be guaranteed. The note examines the following: an analysis of the Draft Regulation proposed by the European Commission; experiences from the current period regarding multilevel governance and partnership in programming; and experiences from the current period regarding policy coordination ...