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Emerging alongside the rapid development of the internet and digital technologies that have particularly thrived over the past two decades, music streaming (and streaming in general) is a technology that offers unlimited access to a selected catalogue of audiovisual content via an online platform. The year 2006 is often seen as the starting date for music streaming, with the launch of the Swedish streaming platform Spotify, the current market leader. The technology, however, had already been developed ...

Story of the European Anthem

Briefing 04-05-2021

In the inter-war years, advocates of European unity began pondering the choice of an anthem that would convey the feeling of sharing a common destiny and common values. The creation of the Council of Europe in 1949 spurred further calls to this end. Proposals for scores and lyrics for an anthem for Europe began appearing spontaneously. It was not until 1972, however, that the Council of Europe formally adopted the prelude of Ode to Joy from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony as the European anthem. For ...

The objective of this study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, is to examine the current status quo of implementation of the Directive, and to carry out an in-depth review of the practices in selected Member States. The study provides a brief overview of the international framework concerning the term of protection for performers and phonogram producers, and analyses the main objectives ...

The Commission proposed in July 2012 a Directive which contains general provisions on collective rights management for all sectors, and specific provisions for multi-territorial licensing of online music. Looking at the current state of the digital music market, although it is growing steadily, consumers still generally do not have broad access to different repertoires.

Consumer access to online content

Briefing 30-05-2012

Practically every day, new devices, platforms and providers for accessing, downloading, streaming and creating internet content emerge around the world. But the copyrights, which protect a large part of that content, are mostly governed on a national basis. Private users are lost in the maze of different rules and restrictions and have difficulty in accessing and using content in a legal manner. In addition, unlicensed sites conti­nually emerge, with content just a click away. Attempts have been ...

Ta študija preučuje izvedljivost uvedbe pavšalnega plačila za vsebino s političnega in ekonomskega vidika, da bi imetniki pravic potrošnikom ponudili možnost zakonite izmenjave datotek vsak z vsakim (P2P). V ta namen vsebuje študija analizo razvoja trga z glasbenimi in avdiovizualnimi zabavnimi izdelki in storitvami v zadnjih 10 letih ter informacije o trendih na področju spletnega piratstva. Predstavlja bistvene cilje pristopa s pavšalnim plačilom za vsebino ter pavšalno plačilo za vsebino in druge ...

This study investigates how EU policy on music rights licensing, particularly for online services, is affecting cultural diversity. For that purpose, it analyses information on the popularity of different repertoires (Anglo-American, EU and domestic) in recent years in a sample of EU Member States. It finds that current policies are likely to weaken the position of authors and composers, therefore posing a challenge for cultural diversity.