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Government procurement forms an important part of national economies. The EU has opened up its public procurement markets to third countries to a large degree, while many other economies have had limited appetite to liberalise market access. In 2012, the European Commission tabled a proposal for an international procurement instrument (IPI). The IPI would give the EU leverage in negotiating the reciprocal opening of public procurement markets in third countries. The Commission revised the proposal ...

Foreign subsidies and public procurement

Poglobljena analiza 30-09-2021

The EU has helped shape an international economic system based on openness and fair competition. Over the past few years, the benefits of this approach have come under pressure from foreign trade practices which undermine the principle of recip¬rocal treatment. In particular, this is the case with subsidies granted by non-EU governments and protected public procurement markets. This in-depth analysis reviews the state of play of EU policy action on foreign subsidies and in public pro¬curement markets ...

This study evaluates the objectives of legislative actions in the area of public procurement during the 7th and 8th legislature and assesses the contribution of current initiatives to the achievement of EU objectives. This document provides for a critical analysis of the legal framework of the public procurement regime and identifies the future potential of European public procurement.. This document was prepared by Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, at the request of the Committee ...

This document provides the legal and policy background for the interface of the public procurement regime with policies which promote socio-economic and environmental objectives and allow innovative and strategic procurement to deploy its application in alignment with the European 2020 Growth Strategy. This document was prepared by Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, at the request of the Committee for the Internal Market and Consumer Affairs.

Over the years, the EU has opened up its public procurement markets to third countries to a large degree, yet many of these countries have not granted the EU a similar privilege. This situation has been difficult to address through multilateral or bilateral trade negotiations alone. With this in mind, the European Commission proposed the creation of an international procurement instrument in 2012. The aim of this instrument is twofold: to improve the conditions under which EU businesses can compete ...

Javna naročila

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-11-2017

Javni organi sklepajo pogodbe o izvajanju del in zagotavljanju storitev. Tovrstne pogodbe, sklenjene z enim ali več gospodarskimi subjekti v zameno za plačilo, imenujemo javna naročila in predstavljajo pomemben delež bruto domačega proizvoda EU. Le majhen odstotek javnih naročil je oddan nenacionalnim podjetjem. Za te pogodbe se uporabljajo načela notranjega trga in se tako zagotovi boljše razporejanje gospodarskih virov in racionalnejša poraba javnih sredstev. Parlament in Svet sta leta 2014 sprejela ...

Despite the achievements of single market integration, many non-tariff barriers (NTBs) persist, preventing realisation of its full economic potential. These arise from laws, technical regulations and practices, and create obstacles for trade. NTBs can be of a general character, such as problems with the implementation and enforcement of EU law at the national level, missing or differing e-government solutions, or complex VAT requirements in intra-EU trade. NTBs can also be sector-specific and concern ...

eGovernment, which involves deploying technology to deliver public services, increases administrative efficiency and reduces the administrative burden on the public and businesses. The EU has been actively promoting implementation of eGovernment practices, in particular in cross-border situations. Many studies point to significant savings for national authorities and reduced costs for businesses through further advancement of eGovernment in Europe. However, a low level of digitisation of public services ...

Public procurement and the purchasing of services, works and supplies cover about 14 % of European gross domestic product (GDP). Procurement initiatives, tools and guidance therefore have tremendous power and make products and services greener and more sustainable. The assessment carried out in this study provides results on the applicability of ongoing initiatives and shows how they contribute to the European Commission´s Action Plan on the Circular Economy. With the proposed recommendations the ...

Over the past decade, the European Commission has pursued a strategy for the revival of rail transport in the European Union (EU), to achieve a more competitive and resource-efficient transport system. In 2013 this process has moved to a new phase with the publication of a draft legislative package aimed at liberalising domestic passenger rail services within EU Member States.