Transparency and ethics 

Transparency in a democratic system enables people to participate more easily in the decision-making process. The institutions can only enjoy greater legitimacy and effectiveness as long as they remain fully accountable to citizens.

As the institution representing all EU citizens, the European Parliament has already put in place a wide range of transparency measures and is committed to making more progress in this area.

In conformity with Parliament’s commitment to transparency, all the transparency tools described on this page aim at facilitating people’s scrutiny over Parliament’s activities and, in particular, its legislative work.


Public access to documents

People are granted a right of access to Parliament’s documents, subject to the principles and conditions defined by Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001.


Personal data protection

Data protection is a fundamental right under EU law.
As the European Parliament, we uphold this right within our Institution, both in our internal operations and in the services we provide to you, the citizens.


Lobby groups and transparency

Europeans are entitled to follow the legislative activities of the institutions closely and to verify that lobbying activities are fair and well-balanced.


Appropriate behaviour rules

People can expect the highest standards of behaviour and efficiency, according to the principles of good administration and governance.


General expenditure allowance

Members can publish information on how they spend the general expenditure allowance.

The Union’s institutions, bodies, offices and agencies conduct their work as openly as possible in order to ensure the participation of civil society and thus promote good governance.

(Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union)