Parliament calls for action to solve housing crisis

28-01-2021 - 09:26
Affordable housing is a basic human right and fosters social cohesion. ©AdobeStock_Mulderphoto
Affordable housing is a basic human right and fosters social cohesion. ©AdobeStock_Mulderphoto © AdobeStock_Mulderphoto

The European Parliament calls on EU countries to act on the housing crisis to invest more in decent homes and ensure everyone has access to affordable housing.

Lack of affordable housing is increasingly becoming a problem in the EU, with housing prices and rents steadily growing relative to incomes over the years.

On 21 January, Parliament adopted a resolution calling on EU countries to recognise adequate housing as a fundamental human right that is enforceable through legislation. Everyone should get equal access to decent, "healthy" housing, with connection to high-quality drinking water, adequate sanitation, sewage and reliable energy, MEPs said. The own-initiative report (Rapporteur: Kim Van Sparrentak (Greens/EFA)) was adopted by the EMPL Committee on 1 December 2020.