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Středa 19 února 2025
Čtvrtek 20 února 2025
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Next CULT Committee meeting: 19-20 February 2025

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On 19 February, the CULT Committee will welcome Mr. Andriy Moskalenko, First Deputy Mayor of Lviv, to present Lviv as the European Youth Capital for 2025. This initiative, led by the European Youth Forum since 2009, empowers young people, boosts youth participation and strengthens the European identity in our cities.

On 19 February, the Committee on Culture and Education will hold its first structured dialogue with Commissioner Micallef. The discussions will focus, among others, on the implementation of 'youth checks' in the Annual Work Programme 2025, the Culture Compass, the European Sport Model, the action plan against cyberbullying and the Strategy on Intergenerational Fairness.

On 20 February, the Committee on Culture and Education will have an exchange of views with Ms Roxana Mînzatu, Executive Vice-President at the European Commissioner and the Commissioner in charge of Education. This will be the first meeting in the structural dialogue between the Executive Vice-President and the Committee. The discussion will centre on priorities in the field of education and the centrality of this policy area in the European Project.

On 19 February, the Committee on Culture and Education voted on the following Opinions: " Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing an EU Talent Pool "and on the "Guidelines for the 2026 Budget". These votes represent crucial steps in shaping EU policy on enhancing EU's competitiveness and financial accountability.

On 30 January , Ms Barbara Nowacka (Minister of Education), Mr Marcin Kulasek (Minister of Science and Higher Education), Ms Hanna Wróblewska (Minister of Culture and National Heritage) and Mr Piotr Borys, (Secretary of State at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism), presented the priorities of the Polish Presidency in the fields of education, culture, youth and sports to the CULT Committe.

The Committee on Culture and Education presented its draft Opinion on the proposed Traineeship Directive on 30 January. This initiative aims to enhance and enforce better working conditions for trainees across various sectors. By ensuring clear guidelines and protections, this proposal seeks to foster fairness and transparency in the treatment of trainees.
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CULT Activity Report 2019-2024
Fakta o EU
Fakta a čísla o EU poskytují celkový přehled o evropské integraci a o tom, jak k tomuto procesu přispívá Evropský parlament.
Doplňující analýzy
Panel pro budoucnost vědy a technologie