Zvláštní výbor pro zahraniční vměšování do všech demokratických procesů v Evropské unii včetně dezinformací a pro posílení bezúhonnosti, transparentnosti a odpovědnosti v Evropském parlamentu

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ING2 Special Committee

23-10-2023 - 09:48

On 10 March 2022 the European Parliament created a new Special Committee (ING2) vested with the responsibilities to follow-up on the INGE 1 report. Following a decision from the plenary, the term of office of ING2 will now run until 12 August 2023.

On 1 June 2023, the ING2 Report on Foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation (2022/2075(INI)), by Rapporteur KALNIETE Sandra (PPE), was adopted in plenary with 469 votes for, 71 against and 75 abstentions.

At the Plenary session on 13 July 2023, the ING2 Report on Recommendations for reform of the European Parliament's rules on transparency, integrity, accountability and anti-corruption (2023/2034(INI)), Co-Rapporteurs: BILČÍK Vladimír (PPE) and LOISEAU Nathalie (Renew) was adopted with 441 votes in favour, 70 against and 71 abstentions.

This page is an archive of its activities and will be no longer updated.

Fact Sheets on the EU's external relations