Ausschuss für Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung

Neueste Nachrichten

Europawahl 2024 – 6. bis 9. Juni 2024

23-05-2024 - 16:47

Bei der Europawahl vom 6. bis zum 9. Juni wählen die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten ihre Vertreter im Europäischen Parlament. Die neu gewählten Mitglieder, die die EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger bis 2029 vertreten, kommen im Juli zusammen, um die Präsidentin oder den Präsidenten, die Vizepräsidentinnen und -präsidenten sowie die Quästorinnen und Quästoren zu wählen. Sie entscheiden auch über die Zusammensetzung der ständigen Ausschüsse und Unterausschüsse des Parlaments und leiten damit die neue Wahlperiode ein. Die Ausschüsse halten anschließend ihre ersten Sitzungen ab, um ihre jeweiligen Vorsitzenden und stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden zu wählen.

Von besonderem Interesse

Photo representing a young farmer woman driving a tractor
03-12-2024 - 14:17

On 12 December, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will hold a debate in the context of the Gender Equality Week. The Committee will also discuss animal protection during transport and related operations.

Photo representing a female farmer smiling and walking in a field holding in her arm a salad and carrots
28-11-2024 - 10:07

On 2-3 December, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will adopt its reports on EAFRD exceptional support measures, and forest reproductive material from third countries.

27-11-2024 - 12:04

In the wake of a renewed European Disability Strategy 2025-2030 and the next Report of the UNCRPD Committee on the European Union, Parliament will hold its second Disability Rights Week from 2 to 6 December 2024.

Photo representing a field with a lot of water due to a flood and a tractor trying to move
15-11-2024 - 12:05

On 18 November, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will discuss harvest and market situation; the recent ruling of the ECJ on the Morocco Agreement; forest reproductive material produced in third countries with respect to the “tested” category, and exceptional support measures under the EAFRD to provide additional assistance to Member States affected by natural disasters.

Image representing a tractor in the middle with the stars of EU on Common Agricultural policy
15-11-2024 - 12:05

On 11 November, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development will discuss the ECA Special Report 20/2024 on the CAP environmental and climate performance. This discussion will be organised jointly with the Committee on Budgetary Control.

Activity report

The AGRI Activity Report lists all of the legislative and non-legislative activities and initiatives carried out by the committee during the 9th term.

Fact Sheets on the EU

The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.

Supporting Analyses

prepared by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies


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