Ausschuss für die Rechte der Frauen und die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter

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Europawahl 2024 – 6. bis 9. Juni 2024

24-05-2024 - 11:14
In the European Union, democracy may seem obvious to us today. But this has not always been the case. Not so long ago, millions of Europeans lived through times when they could not vote or even speak up freely. When their very lives could be in danger simply for being different, for holding different beliefs or for wanting a different life. Democracy is a precious gift passed on to us from previous generations. They aspired towards it and fought for it. Now it is up to us to maintain it, to make it stronger and pass it on to the generations to come. The most effective way to do so is by voting - because the more people vote, the stronger democracy becomes. On June 6-9 2024: Use your vote or others will decide for you.
Use your vote – European elections 2024 video – Trailer 3 Dubbed 16:9 - Swedish (Finland) © European Parliament

Bei der Europawahl vom 6. bis zum 9. Juni wählen die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten ihre Vertreter im Europäischen Parlament. Die neu gewählten Mitglieder, die die EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger bis 2029 vertreten, kommen im Juli zusammen, um die Präsidentin oder den Präsidenten, die Vizepräsidentinnen und -präsidenten sowie die Quästorinnen und Quästoren zu wählen. Sie entscheiden auch über die Zusammensetzung der ständigen Ausschüsse und Unterausschüsse des Parlaments und leiten damit die neue Wahlperiode ein. Die Ausschüsse halten anschließend ihre ersten Sitzungen ab, um ihre jeweiligen Vorsitzenden und stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden zu wählen.

Von besonderem Interesse

Gender Equality
09-12-2024 - 11:37

On Thursday, 12 December 2024, in the FEMM Committee, EIGE will present the annual Gender Equality Index.

Profile of a woman
09-12-2024 - 11:37

On Thursday, 12 December 2024, the FEMM Committee will hold a hearing on “Securing Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Digital Sphere”.

Hands with male and female sign
09-12-2024 - 11:34

On Thursday, 12 December 2024, the FEMM Committee will vote on the draft opinion and amendments on “Human rights and democracy in the world and the EU’s policy on the matter - annual report 2024”.

An image of people holding hands
06-12-2024 - 12:27

The fifth edition of the European Gender Equality Week is taking place from 9 to 13 December 2024, encompassing events organised by different Parliament’s bodies, including committees and delegations, addressing gender equality issues within their areas of competence.

drawing of profile woman face
06-12-2024 - 09:21

On Thursday, 5 December 2024, in the FEMM Committee, Eurostat, EIGE and FRA presented the key findings from the biggest-ever EU survey on violence against women.

Sustainable Finance, Taxonomy Regulation
06-12-2024 - 09:20

On Wednesday, 4 December 2024, the FEMM Committee held an exchange of views on the future of the Multi-annual Financial Framework and gender equality.

Euro coins and banknotes, a person holding a calculator and a pen
06-12-2024 - 09:19

On Wednesday, 4 December 2024, FEMM Members considered two draft opinions on the 2023 discharges: for the general budget (European Commission) and for the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), respectively.

Hands with male and female sign
06-12-2024 - 09:19

On Wednesday, 4 December 2024, the FEMM Committee considered the draft opinion and amendments on “Human rights and democracy in the world and the EU’s policy on the matter - annual report 2024”.

gender sign, female
06-12-2024 - 09:18

On Wednesday, 4 December 2024, the FEMM Committee voted on the draft recommendation to the Council on the EU priorities for the 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

FEMM Activity Report 2019-2024

Fact Sheets

The Fact Sheets provide an overview of European integration and of the European Parliament's contribution to that process.

Supporting Analyses

Policy departments provide high-level independent expertise, analysis and policy advice.


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