Petitions Web Portal 2.0 is online !

14-03-2023 - 14:29
Top menu bar, title, intro text, photos and text of divers spotlight/focus articles, right hand menu
Petitions Web Portal 2.0 © EP-IPOL-PETI Committee (EP 2023)

Submitting a petition is more accessible than ever! Discover the brand new Petitions Web Portal 2.0 and exercise your right to petition or support the petition(s) of your choice in just a few clicks. It is a pleasure to welcome you: we have improved it for you!

What's new in a nutshell:

  • Brand new headers and footers in all 24 European languages
  • A clean page layout that adapts to any screen size and is consistent with the Europarl look and feel
  • Quick Start Guides: everything you ever wanted to know about petitions in plain language
  • An inventive visual way of highlighting what the Committee on Petitions is dealing with direct useful recommendations for petitioners, often accompanied by:
  1. A study by the European Commission and/or other stakeholders and the EU Ombudsman.
  2. The Committee on Petitions often undertakes fact-finding missions to exchange views with local citizens and authorities.
  3. Other activities include public hearings, workshops and ECI initiatives to which petitioners may be invited.