19-06-2018 16:00
Brexit and ICT policy

The aim of the workshop was to give Members the chance to explore in detail the impacts of Brexit on the EU27 ICT policies. Four high level speakers gave a general overview of the potential impacts of Brexit; considered the implications for digital innovation; examined the implications for policymaking and regulation; and discussed the implications on innovation and deployment of 5G. Their presentations were followed by a question and answer session with Members.
The workshop is organised by Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
The workshop was held on 19 June 2018 from 15.30 - 17.00.
Please note that no special registration is available for the workshop. While the workshop is in principle open to the public, you need to have access to the European Parliament to be able to attend. Alternatively you can follow the workshop via webstreaming.
The workshop was held on 19 June 2018 from 15.30 - 17.00.
Please note that no special registration is available for the workshop. While the workshop is in principle open to the public, you need to have access to the European Parliament to be able to attend. Alternatively you can follow the workshop via webstreaming.
- Draft programme for the workshop on Brexit and ICT policy (PDF - 251 KB)
- Speakers’ biographies for the workshop on Brexit and ICT policy (PDF - 349 KB)
- J. Scott MARCUS - Overview of the potential impact of Brexit on ICT policy, and possible ways forward for the EU27 (PDF - 164 KB)
- Bas KOTTERINK - Implications of Brexit for digital innovation in the EU27 (PDF - 572 KB)
- Domagoj JURJEVIĆ - Implications of Brexit for EU27 ICT policymaking and regulation (PDF - 165 KB)
- Gérard POGOREL- Implications of Brexit for EU27 innovation and deployment of 5G (PDF - 5 MB)
- Webstreaming of the workshop "Brexit and ICT policy"