Recovery and future transformation of Europe’s media and audio-visual sectors
18-06-2021 - 11:30
During its committee meeting on the 27 May, the CULT Committee held an exchange of views on an own-initiative report (INI) recommending ways towards recovery and deep transformation of the media and audio-visual sectors in Europe. During the exchange of views following the presentation of the draft report, questions were put forward to experts who prepared an accompanying research commissioned by Policy Department B at the European Parliament.
In December 2020, the Commission launched its Action Plan to support the recovery and transformation of the media and audio-visual sectors-particularly hardly hit by the coronavirus crisis. The CULT Committee has decided to draw up an INI report to give its political priorities to the executive ahead of the implementation of the Action Plan.
In her draft report, Ms Melbārde (ECR) proposes an analysis of the underpinning causes of the deep fragmentation in the media sector and suggests ways to overcome those. Ms Melbarde is of the opinion that Europe needs a comprehensive news media policy and audio-visual policy, encompassing legislative and financial support initiatives. The rapporteur also reckons that convergence requires a new legislative approach in order to provide a level playing field, which in term would also require fostering a crosscutting horizontal media approach in all forthcoming EU legislation on the Digital sector in order to overcome market failures and fragmentation.
In her draft report, Ms Melbārde (ECR) proposes an analysis of the underpinning causes of the deep fragmentation in the media sector and suggests ways to overcome those. Ms Melbarde is of the opinion that Europe needs a comprehensive news media policy and audio-visual policy, encompassing legislative and financial support initiatives. The rapporteur also reckons that convergence requires a new legislative approach in order to provide a level playing field, which in term would also require fostering a crosscutting horizontal media approach in all forthcoming EU legislation on the Digital sector in order to overcome market failures and fragmentation.