27-11-2023 08:00
European Parliament’s first Disability Rights Week - from 27 Nov to 4 Dec 2023

Illustration on a blue brackground about the Disability Rights week. The ilustration shows 5 persons. From left to right: a woman with a prothetic leg, a girl holding a ball, a man sitting in a wheel chair, a man holding a cane and wearing glasses, and an elderly woman holding a walker
Logo of the First edition of the European Parliament DIsability Rights Week © European Parliament 2023

The European Parliament is committed to ensure that all persons with disabilities can live an independent life and be fully integrated into society. In order to analyse existing initiatives to protect and empower people with disabilities, and to reflect on challenges ahead and prepare for future activities, Parliament will hold its first Disability Rights Week. Many committees will be voting, debating and holding events regarding disability policies. Detailed activities below:


  • AGRI: Discussion with Benoît Ceysens, director of "Ferme Nos Pilifs"
  • DEVE: Debate on "Access to education and training for persons with disabilities in developing countries"
  • EMPL: Discussion on the European Disability Card and European Parking Card & Presentation of the special report on "Supporting people with disabilities" by the European Court of Auditors
  • TRAN: Discussion on existing barriers in the field of transport and tourism for people with disabilities
  • DROI: Exchange of views on the rights of persons with disability in conflict and post-conflict situation


  • PETI: Annual workshop on the rights of persons with disabilities
  • EMPL-FEMM: Hearing "Harmful practices in the EU towards women and girls with disabilities"
  • EMPL: Interparliamentary committee meeting on the participation of persons with disabilities in the electoral process


  • IMCO: Vote on the opinion on the proposal for the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card