AFET-DEVE-SEDE hearing on the EU's strategy in the Sahel
17-01-2024 - 18:40

On Tuesday, 23 January 2024 a joint hearing on “The European Union’s Strategy in the Sahel” will be organised by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Development and the Sub-Committee on Security and Defence. It will be an opportunity to critically reflect on the EU's policy and approach towards this important region in light of recent coup d’états.
The hearing will take a holistic approach that looks at the full picture of the root causes of instability in the region and the EU's policy towards the Sahel until now. It will allow MEPs to discuss ways in which the EU's strategy should be adapted to ensure that the EU's security, development, humanitarian and democracy-support assistance contributes to lasting sustainable development and enhanced security in this vital region and complements the efforts of the EU's partners.