Public Hearing on "Financial services for women, and by women"

05-12-2024 - 09:33
Confidential financial advisor discussing options with senior women in the office
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On Wednesday, 4 December 2024 from 10:45 to 12:15 the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) hosted a public hearing on "Financial services for women, and by women" in the context of the 2024 Gender Equality Week in the European Parliament.

The purpose of this event was to provide an opportunity for ECON Members to shed a light on female specific services offered in the area of financial service as well as debate the representation of women in financial institutions.

The topic was addressed from several angles, including the supply and the demand side. Women more and more take responsibility for their own financial situation and sometimes have specific needs as regards product characteristics or investment advice. This includes women's access to financial services via digitalisation but also emphasising female financial literacy and the development of femtechs.

Please find below the programme of the event: