The FISC Subcommittee turns one year old
On 23 September 2021, the FISC Subcommittee celebrated its first anniversary. Since its creation in 2020, FISC Members have participated in numerous public hearings with experts, national ministers, commissioners and other stakeholders, debated various own-initiative report and met representatives of several national parliaments.
Our societies face significant challenges such as digitalization, climate change or the economic recovery after the COVID19-pandemic. For each of these, fitting tax policies should form a fundamental part of our policy response. Moreover, the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance remains high on the agenda in the light of recent tax scandals, such as the LuxLetters or the OpenLux revelations.
To celebrate our first anniversary, the coordinators of the different political groups in the FISC Subcommittee want to share with you their vision of what lies ahead. In this video, they present their views on the priorities of the FISC Subcommittee and the tax challenges that need to be addressed at a European level.
I hope you enjoy it!