Working Group on the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act

A man faces a computer generated figure with programming language in the background
This illustration of artificial intelligence is AI generated © AI image/AdobeStock/Limitless Visions

By a decision of IMCO and LIBE Coordinators, a joint Working Group on the implementation and enforcement of the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) was established with the purpose of scrutinising the implementation and enforcement of the AI Act.

The Co-Chairs of the Working Group are Mr. Brando Benifei (IMCO, S&D) and Mr. Michael McNamara (LIBE, Renew). The list of Members is available below.
The first meeting was held on 24 October 2024. Mr Benifei reported back on the proceedings and outcome of the first meeting of the working group during the IMCO committee meeting of 18 November (see below). The date of the next meeting of the working group is yet to be confirmed.