Protection of persons with disabilities - opinion in letter form - 25.05.2021

10-06-2021 - 11:03
disabilities, ability
disability © European Parliament

On Tuesday 25 May 2021 the FEMM Committee adopted an opinion in letter form to the report drafted by the Committee on Petitions (PETI) on “The protection of persons with disabilities through petitions: lessons learnt”.

The rapporteur calls for the intersection of gender and disability to be mainstreamed in all EU policies, programmes, initiatives and in Member States' national action plans and to use funding instruments in favour of accessibility and non-discrimination. She calls for urgent measures to prevent and combat all forms of gender-based violence, via the use of the Istanbul Convention, the extension of the areas of crime in accordance with Article 83-1 of the TFEU and a holistic EU framework directive to prevent and combat all forms of gender-based violence. The opinion also makes reference, inter alia, to disability-specific healthcare, access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, inclusive education measures, full access to the labour market.