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Welcome to INGE by Chair Raphaël Glucksmann

Raphaël Glucksmann, copyright European Union, 2020

The creation of the Special Committee for foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU, including disinformation (INGE) is a message, a very clear alert message sent to all foreign powers trying to interfere in the democratic institutions and processes of the EU and its Members States.

We will work to assess the level of these threats in different spheres: major national and European elections across the EU; disinformation campaigns on traditional and social media to shape public opinion; cyber-attacks targeting critical infrastructure; direct and indirect financial support and economic coercion of political actors and civil society subversion.

Once we have established a general diagnosis, we need to identify solutions and propose tools to counter these attempts to sabotage Parliament's core work. These findings and recommendations will materialise in the report that will culminate our mandate.

Our Committee has a duty, a historical responsibility, which is to protect the common framework of our debate: OUR democracies. And this is what we aim to do.