
Valiokunta voi kuulla asiantuntijoita, jos se katsotaan välttämättömäksi tietyn asian käsittelyn kannalta. Kaksi valiokuntaa tai useampi valiokunta voi myös pitää yhteisen kuulemistilaisuuden. Useimmat valiokunnat järjestävät säännöllisesti kuulemistilaisuuksia, sillä ne antavat mahdollisuuden kuulla asiantuntijoita ja käydä keskusteluja keskeisistä kysymyksistä. Tällä sivulla esitetään kaikki valiokuntien kuulemisista saatavilla olevat tiedot, kuten ohjelmat ja puheenvuorot.

Image shows a mobile phone with a text Fake News

The second part of the INGE meeting on 15 March, from 13.45 to 15.45, will focus on the changes in the revised Code of Practice and how it serves as an important tool in the fight against disinformation.

Image shows a map and a keyboard hinting about foreign hackers interference concept

The INGE meeting on Tuesday 15 March from 9.40 to 12.00 will start with an exchange of views on "Beyond election day: cooperation between China and Russia to influence democratic processes in Europe". Members will discuss with experts how China and Russia are cooperating in interfering in European democratic processes and the way to respond to their combined interference.

INGE Delegation visiting the White House

The INGE Special Committee sent a mission to Washington D.C., from 21 to 24 February 2022. A seven-member delegation, led by Vladimír Bilčík (EPP, SK), met members of the National Security Council, officials at the White House, the Department of State and the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, and think tank and civil society representatives.

SEDE meeting 15 March 2021 NATO

The INGE Special Committee, the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) and the Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (DNAT) engaged with the NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence to discuss about the latest issues regarding Russia's Strategy in cyberspace, China as a narrative challenge for NATO Member States and the emerging issues in the digital domain.

Map of Europe highlighting the Baltic states

The Special Committee (INGE) invited representatives from the parliaments of the Baltic states for an exchange of views on their experiences with and responses to foreign interference.

Image showing a newspaper saying "freedom of speech"

On 1 February from 9.00 to 10.00 the Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation (INGE) welcomed Ms Maria A. Ressa, The Nobel Peace Prize 2021 laureate, Journalist and Author, Co-founder and CEO of Rappler to its meeting.

Image shows a map of the Western Balkans

The INGE meeting on Thursday 2 December from 9.00 to 12.00 will start with a hearing on “Foreign interference in the Western Balkans”, which will be held in association with the Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Working Group on the Western Balkans. After the hearing, there will be a presentation of the in-depth analysis on “The misuse of social media platforms and other communication channels by authoritarian regimes: lessons learned”.

Image showing a syringe with a needle filled with red vaccine against the virus vaccination circuit board intervention and chipping of humanity, conspiracy theory

On Monday 15 November, the INGE Special Committee will take a close look at the mechanics of disinformation and conspiracy theories. Five invited experts will speak about three topics that are often exploited by foreign actors trying to manipulate the public debate: climate change, vaccination and migration.

Photo of the INGE delegation and Taiwanese

The seven members of the Special Committee on Foreign Interference and Disinformation (INGE) met President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen, other representatives of the Taiwanese authorities and civil society organisations to discuss Taiwan’s innovative system to combat disinformation campaigns and other types of hybrid attacks.

On 14 October from 16:15 until 17:15, in association with the EP Liaison Office in Washington DC and the EP delegation for relations with the United States of America (D-US), INGE Special Committee will hold an exchange of views on "Causes and responses to the disinformation crisis" with Chris Krebs.

On 14 October INGE Special Committee will discuss the damage of foreign interference and disinformation in economy, included the date market.

Picture of some of MEPs of the INGE Special Committee

The INGE Special Committee sent a mission to Athens, Greece, from 21 to 22 September 2021. The main purpose of the mission was to meet and establish high-level contacts with the EU Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA), in view of cross-border cybersecurity coordination and responses.